[Numpy-discussion] Behavior of array scalars

Alexander Belopolsky alexander.belopolsky at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 12:51:03 EST 2006

On 2/17/06, Christopher Barker <Chris.Barker at noaa.gov> wrote:
>  >>> x += 5
> I expect this to change the object in place.
>  >>> x
> 10
> but what is this? is it no longer an array?

I would say it is a bug, but here is an easy work-around

>>> x = array(5)
>>> id(x)
>>> x[()]+=5
>>> id(x)
>>> x

You can also use

>>> x[...]+=5
>>> x

With an additional benefit that the same syntax works for any shape.

> Is there a way to set the value in place, without resorting to:

>>> x[...] = 10
>>> x[()] = 10

You can see more on this feature at

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