[Numpy-discussion] Beta support for Numpy in PyTables

mfmorss at aep.com mfmorss at aep.com
Thu Feb 2 12:00:06 EST 2006

This is good news.  We're planning, tentatively, to implement a big project
in Python that would make heavy use both of Numpy and Pytables.  We're also
waiting, however, to for Numpy to stabilize.  It's a little disconcerting
to see how turbulent it is right now.

Mark F. Morss
Principal Analyst, Market Risk
American Electric Power

             Francesc Altet                                                
             <faltet at carabos.c                                             
             om>                                                        To 
             Sent by:                  pytables-users at lists.sourceforge.ne 
             numpy-discussion-         t                                   
             admin at lists.sourc                                          cc 
             eforge.net                numpy-discussion at lists.sourceforge. 
             02/02/2006 01:19          [Numpy-discussion] Beta support for 
             PM                        Numpy in PyTables                   


As some of you know (and are impatiently waiting for ;-) I'm in the
process of giving support to numpy in PyTables, so that the users can
transparently make use of numpy objects (or Numeric or numarray).
Well, I'm glad to say that the process is almost done (bar some issues
with character array support and unicode arrays). Fortunately, thanks
to the provision of the array interface, saving and reading numpy
objects have nearly the same performance than using numarray objects
(that, as you know, are in the core of PyTables).

So, if you want to have a try to the new PyTables, you can download
this preliminary version of it from:


I'm attaching some examples so that you can see how to use numpy in
combination with PyTables, by simply specifying the correct flavor in
the data type definition for Table and EArray (the same goes for
CArray and VLArray, although no examples are provided here) objects.

Also, as I already said in other occasions, when numpy would stabilize
enough, we are planning to make numpy the core data container for
PyTables. Meanwhile, please, test the couple PyTables/numpy and report
any error or glitch that you may notice, so that it can get as stable
as possible in order to easy the transition numarray-->numpy.


>0,0<   Francesc Altet     http://www.carabos.com/
V   V   Cárabos Coop. V.   Enjoy Data

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