[Numpy-discussion] Installation - Numpy 1.0.1 Suse Linux 10.1

Gustavo Mercier gamercier at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 12 15:16:52 EST 2006


I am trying to install Numpy 1.0.1 in a Linux Box (Suse Linux 10.1; gcc 4.1x). I have done this successfully with previous versions up to 1.0b5. However, I now run into problems.

It compiles and installs ok, but upon opening python and importing numpy it hangs with an unresolved reference when loading linalg. The reference is to a _gfortran...function.

I use Atlas and this was compiled with gfortran, and following the instructions to combine lapack with atlas. blas was also compiled the same way. I see that Numpy is being compiled with g77.

I am trying to add the reference to the gfortran library object in /usr/lib but I don't see how to do this as an option in distutils. I also try to change the compiler from g77 to gfortran, but I failed. Setting --fcompiler anc --ccompiler options led to failures due to trying to compile c code with the fortran compiler.

Any suggestions?

Thanks for your help!

 Gustavo A. Mercier, Jr. MD,PhD
gamercier at yahoo.com 
469-396-6750 - cell

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