[Numpy-discussion] save a matrix

Keith Goodman kwgoodman at gmail.com
Fri Dec 1 00:30:25 EST 2006

On 11/30/06, Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris at gmail.com> wrote:
> It is also possible to put the variables of interest in a dictionary, then
> pickle the dictionary. That way you can also store the variable names.
> In [27]: f = open(' dump.pkl','w')
> In [28]: pickle.dump( {'a':a,'b':b}, f)
> In [29]: f.close()
>  In [30]: f = open('dump.pkl','r')
> In [31]: mystuff = pickle.load(f)
> In [32]: f.close()
>  In [34]: mystuff
> Out[34]:
>  {'a': matrix([[2, 3],
>         [4, 5]]), 'b': matrix([[2, 3],
>         [4, 5]])}

I think I could use that to write a function savematrix(filename, a, b, c,...)

Is there a way to write a loadmatrix(filename) that doesn't return
anything but makes the matrices a, b, c, ... available?

Probably not a good function design. But useful for quick things.

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