[Numpy-discussion] how to reference Numerical Python in a scientific publication

Alan G Isaac aisaac at american.edu
Thu Aug 17 12:37:47 EDT 2006

In BibTeX format.
Alan Isaac

  author       = {Oliphant, Travis E.},
  year         = 2006,
  title        = {Guide to NumPy},
  month        = mar,
  address      = {Provo, UT},
  institution  = {Brigham Young University}
  author  = {Dubois, Paul F. and Konrad Hinsen and James Hugunin},
  year    = {1996},
  title   = {Numerical Python},
  journal = {Computers in Physics},
  volume  = 10,
  number  = 3,
  month   = {May/June}
  author  = {Dubois, Paul F.},
  year    = 1999,
  title   = {Extending Python with Fortran},
  journal = {Computing Science and Engineering},
  volume  = 1,
  number  = 5,
  month   = {Sep/Oct},
  pages   = {66--73}
  author  = {Scherer, David and Paul Dubois and Bruce Sherwood},
  year    = 2000,
  title   = {VPython: 3D Interactive Scientific Graphics for Students},
  journal = {Computing in Science and Engineering},
  volume  = 2,
  number  = 5,
  month   = {Sep/Oct},
  pages   = {56--62}
  author       = {Ascher, David and Paul F. Dubois and Konrad Hinsen and James Hugunin and Travis Oliphant},
  year         = 1999,
  title        = {Numerical Python},
  edition      = {UCRL-MA-128569},
  address      = {Livermore, CA},
  organization = {Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory}

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