[Numpy-discussion] Optimizing mean(axis=0) on a 3D array

Martin Spacek numpy at mspacek.mm.st
Sat Aug 26 06:06:42 EDT 2006


I'm a bit ignorant of optimization in numpy.

I have a movie with 65535 32x32 frames stored in a 3D array of uint8 
with shape (65535, 32, 32). I load it from an open file f like this:

 >>> import numpy as np
 >>> data = np.fromfile(f, np.uint8, count=65535*32*32)
 >>> data = data.reshape(65535, 32, 32)

I'm picking several thousand frames more or less randomly from 
throughout the movie and finding the mean frame over those frames:

 >>> meanframe = data[frameis].mean(axis=0)

frameis is a 1D array of frame indices with no repeated values in it. If 
it has say 4000 indices in it, then the above line takes about 0.5 sec 
to complete on my system. I'm doing this for a large number of different 
frameis, some of which can have many more indices in them. All this 
takes many minutes to complete, so I'm looking for ways to speed it up.

If I divide it into 2 steps:

 >>> temp = data[frameis]
 >>> meanframe = temp.mean(axis=0)

and time it, I find the first step takes about 0.2 sec, and the second 
takes about 0.3 sec. So it's not just the mean() step, but also the 
indexing step that's taking some time.

If I flatten with ravel:

 >>> temp = data[frameis].ravel()
 >>> meanframe = temp.mean(axis=0)

then the first step still takes about 0.2 sec, but the mean() step drops 
to about 0.1 sec. But of course, this is taking a flat average across 
all pixels in the movie, which isn't what I want to do.

I have a feeling that the culprit is the non contiguity of the movie 
frames being averaged, but I don't know how to proceed.

Any ideas? Could reshaping the data somehow speed things up? Would 
weave.blitz or weave.inline or pyrex help?

I'm running numpy 0.9.8



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