[Numpy-discussion] confusing recarray behaviour

Jonathan Taylor jonathan.taylor at stanford.edu
Sat Apr 29 19:56:03 EDT 2006

Here is a pickle file with v and desc, v is just a list of tuples with 
integer and string entries. My point with my example is that when I had 
two identical lists (i.e. v[0:2] == V) one time I got an error, the 
other time I didn't and the traceback had no information, i.e. I 
couldn't get anywhere with pdb. I am using svn revision 2456.


Travis Oliphant wrote:

> Jonathan Taylor wrote:
>> What I pass to N.array seems to agree with the examples in numpybook.
>> Below is an example that does work for me (excuse the longish example 
>> but it was just cut and paste to make my life easier). In my code, 
>> funny things happen
>> (see ipython excerpt below this). In particular, I have a list v with 
>> v[0:2] = V and with the
>> same dtype "ddesc" I get this exception when I change V to v[0:2].
> Please show us what v is.
> If I run v = V[:] and then try N.array(v[0:2],ddesc) I don't get any 
> error.  So something else must be going on.
> Which version are you running?
> -Travis
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Jonathan Taylor                           Tel:   650.723.9230
Dept. of Statistics                       Fax:   650.725.8977
Sequoia Hall, 137                         www-stat.stanford.edu/~jtaylo
390 Serra Mall
Stanford, CA 94305

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