[Numpy-discussion] ANN: SciPy 2006 Conference

Travis N. Vaught travis at enthought.com
Tue Apr 11 13:11:04 EDT 2006


The *SciPy 2006 Conference* is scheduled for August 17-18, 2006 at CalTech.

A tremendous amount of work has gone into SciPy and Numpy over the past 
few months, and the scientific python community around these and other 
tools has truly flourished[1].  The Scipy 2006 Conference is an 
excellent opportunity to exchange ideas, learn techniques, contribute 
code and affect the direction of scientific computing with Python.

Conference details are at http://www.scipy.org/SciPy2006

Python language author Guido van Rossum (!) has agreed to be the Keynote 
speaker at this year's Conference.

Registration is now open.

You may register early online for $100.00 at 
http://www.enthought.com/scipy06.  Registration includes breakfast and 
lunch Thursday & Friday and a very nice dinner Thursday night.  After 
July 14, 2006, registration will cost $150.00.

Call for Presenters
If you are interested in presenting at the conference, you may submit an 
abstract in Plain Text, PDF or MS Word formats to abstracts at scipy.org -- 
the deadline for abstract submission is July 7, 2006.  Papers and/or 
presentation slides are acceptable and are due by August 4, 2006.

Tutorial Sessions
Several people have expressed interest in attending a tutorial session.  
The Wednesday before the conference might be a good day for this.  
Please email the list if you have particular topics that you are 
interested in.  Here's a preliminary list:

- Migrating from Numeric or Numarray to Numpy
- 2D Visualization with Python
- 3D Visualization with Python
- Introduction to Scientific Computing with Python
- Building Scientific Simulation Applications
- Traits/TraitsUI

Please rate these and add others in a subsequent thread to the 
SciPy-user mailing list.  Perhaps we can pick 4-6 top ideas and
recruit speakers as demand dictates.  The authoritative list will
be tracked here:

Coding Sprints
If anyone would like to arrive earlier (Monday and Tuesday the 14th and 
15th of August), we can borrow a room on the CalTech campus to sit and 
code against particular libraries or apps of interest.  Please register 
your interest in these coding sprints on the SciPy-user mailing list as 
well.  The authoritative list will be tracked here:

Mailing list address: scipy-user at scipy.org
Mailing list archives: 
Mailing list signup: http://www.scipy.net/mailman/listinfo/scipy-user

[1] Some stats:
   NumPy has averaged over 16,000 downloads per month Sept. 05 to March 06.
   SciPy has averaged over 3,800 downloads per month in Feb. and March 06.
   (both scipy and numpy figures do not include the 2000 instances per
   month downloaded as part of the Python Enthought Edition Distribution
   for Windows.)

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