[Numpy-discussion] Problem with array assignment

Francesc Altet faltet at carabos.com
Thu Nov 3 00:33:18 EST 2005

El dc 02 de 11 del 2005 a les 17:16 -0500, en/na Todd Miller va
> I added support for the newcore "array interface" to the numarray C-API 
> and this exception is now gone.  The fix/enhancement is checked into 
> CVS.   Kick it around some...

Yes. This issue has been solved:

>>> numarray.__version__
>>> Numeric.__version__
>>> num=Numeric.zeros((3,),'f')
>>> na=numarray.ones((3,),'f')
>>> na[...] = num
>>> na
array([ 0.,  0.,  0.], type=Float32)

Now, I've taken the opportunity and tested the Numeric<-->numarray
conversion again:

>>> t1_1=timeit.Timer("num=Numeric.array(na,copy=1)","import
Numeric;import numarray; na=numarray.arange(10)")
>>> t1_1.repeat(3,10000)
[0.25493311882019043, 0.25352001190185547, 0.25211095809936523]

and this figures compared with numarray 1.4.1:

>>> t1.repeat(3,10000)
[0.59375977516174316, 0.57908082008361816, 0.56574010848999023]

shows that you have accelerated the conversion numarray-->Numeric 
more than 2x.

Now, the Numeric-->numarray:

>>> t3_1=timeit.Timer("na=numarray.array(num,copy=1)","import Numeric;import numarray; num=Numeric.arange(10)")
>>> t3_1.repeat(3,10000)
[0.40311408042907715, 0.40207314491271973, 0.39954400062561035]

while the 1.4.1 performance was:

>>> t3.repeat(3,10000)
[1.3475611209869385, 1.3277668952941895, 1.3417830467224121]

which is a factor 3x of improvement, and almost the same than using
the buffer interface. Very nice job, Todd!

Now, let's test the conversion for large objects, with data copy and
without data copy.

For numarray-->Numeric:

>>> t2=timeit.Timer("num=Numeric.array(na,copy=0)","import
Numeric;import numarray; na=numarray.arange(100000)")
>>> t2.repeat(3,100)
[0.0025169849395751953, 0.0025219917297363281, 0.0024950504302978516]
>>> t2_copy=timeit.Timer("num=Numeric.array(na,copy=1)","import
Numeric;import numarray; na=numarray.arange(100000)")
>>> t2_copy.repeat(3,100)
[0.50105500221252441, 0.49400091171264648, 0.49266600608825684]

So it seems like if the data copy is taking place.

For Numeric-->numarray:

>>> t4=timeit.Timer("na=numarray.array(num,copy=0)","import
Numeric;import numarray; num=Numeric.arange(100000)")
>>> t4.repeat(3,100)
[0.0054900646209716797, 0.0044760704040527344, 0.0048201084136962891]
>>> t4_copy=timeit.Timer("na=numarray.array(num,copy=1)","import
Numeric;importnumarray; num=Numeric.arange(100000)")
>>> t4_copy.repeat(3,100)
[0.0063569545745849609, 0.004302978515625, 0.0042738914489746094]

Ooops! the times for conversion with copy and without copy are more or
less the same. Perhaps the copy is not done? It seems so:

>>> num=Numeric.arange(10)
>>> na=numarray.array(num,copy=0)
>>> na_copy=numarray.array(num,copy=1)
>>> na.info()
data pointer: 0x08312280 (DEBUG ONLY)
>>> na_copy.info()
data pointer: 0x08312280 (DEBUG ONLY)

i.e. the same data pointer. So it seems that the Numeric-->numarray is
not copying the data even in the case that we are asking to do that.

Other minor things (maybe this is just because you are in the middle of

>>> na._data
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])

while I would expect:

>>> na._data
<memory at 0x081e3618 with size:0x00000028 held by object 0x401f06a0
aliasing object 0x00000000>


>>> na
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/numarray/numarraycore.py", line
930, in __repr__
    return array_repr(self)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/numarray/numarraycore.py", line
1660, in array_repr
    lst = arrayprint.array2string(
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/numarray/arrayprint.py", line
188, in array2string
    separator, prefix)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/numarray/arrayprint.py", line
140, in _array2string
    data = _gen.ravel(a)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/numarray/numarraycore.py", line
918, in copy
    c = _gen.NDArray.copy(self)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/numarray/generic.py", line 724,
in copy
TypeError: NA_maybeLongsFromIntTuple: must be a sequence of integers.


>0,0<   Francesc Altet     http://www.carabos.com/
V   V   Cárabos Coop. V.   Enjoy Data

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