[SciPy-dev] Re: [Numpy-discussion] Trying out Numeric3

Michiel Jan Laurens de Hoon mdehoon at ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Mon Mar 28 05:31:25 EST 2005

Pearu Peterson wrote:
> The idea was merge tools from scipy_core (that basically contains 
> scipy_distutils and scipy_base) to Numeric3. The features of 
> scipy_distutils have been stated in previous messages, some of these 
> features will be used to build Numeric3. scipy_base contains 
> enhancements to Numeric (now to be natural part of Numeric3) plus few 
> useful python modules. Which scipy_core modules exactly should be 
> included to Numeric3 or left out of it, depends on how crusial are they 
> for building/maintaining Numeric3 and whether they are useful in general 
> for Numeric3 users. This is completely open for discussion. No part of 
> scipy_core should be blindly copied to Numeric3 project.
Sounds good to me. Thanks, Pearu.

Michiel de Hoon, Assistant Professor
University of Tokyo, Institute of Medical Science
Human Genome Center
4-6-1 Shirokane-dai, Minato-ku
Tokyo 108-8639

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