[Numpy-discussion] Trouble installing numarray on Solaris

Russell E Owen rowen at u.washington.edu
Sat Jul 2 20:31:48 EDT 2005

At 6:43 AM -0400 7/2/05, Todd Miller wrote:
>On Fri, 2005-07-01 at 15:02 -0700, Russell E. Owen wrote:
>>  A user of my application reports that installing numarray 1.3.2 on
>>  Solaris using Python 2.3.1 has run into trouble:
>>    prompt> python
>>    Python 2.3.1 (#1, Sep 30 2003, 20:29:58) [C] on sunos5
>>    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>    >>> import numarray
>>    Fatal Python error: Call to API function without first calling
>>    import_libnumarray() in Src/_convmodule.c
>>    Abort (core dumped)
>It looks vaguely like an binary API mismatch of some kind... or one of
>you numarray modules is stale or broken.  To restate the obvious,   it's
>likely that numarray won't import (in C!) because import_libnumarray()
>is very defintely in _convmodule.c.  Since it's there and the API
>pointer was not initialized,  the libnumarray import failed.

Here's what the person had to say about it. I found the solution 
rather puzzling, but perhaps it makes sense to somebody who 
understands more about such things:

Got it working; it was indeed that the shared object modules weren't 
being linked correctly at build time, so when python tried to load 
them, they were missing symbols (eg, that are defined in the C math 
library, for example).  Probably the result of compiling numarray 
w/Solaris's cc rather than gcc.  I manually linked the modules for 
now, and numarry can now be imported... It even passed all its tests.

-- Russell

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