[Numpy-discussion] A request for new distributions

Todd Miller jmiller at stsci.edu
Thu Jan 6 14:11:48 EST 2005

On Thu, 2005-01-06 at 09:54, Jack Jansen wrote:
> I'm catching up with half a year of back postings on the numpy list, 
> and the messages about automatically using vecLib on the macintosh 
> sound very interesting.
> I maintain the official Package Manager databases for MacPython (which 
> allow users to install a handful of common packages with one 
> mouseclick), and Numeric and numarray have been in there since day one. 
> I'm revising all the packages again at the moment (I do that about once 
> a year, or on request), and I had to manually fiddle Numeric 23.6 to 
> actually build on the Mac. This is a bit of a bother, as I have to keep 
> a separate source distribution in stead of just referring to the 
> official one, but more important is the fact that neither Numeric nor 
> numarray support vecLib out of the box.
> So, a plea for help: I don't know what the usual frequency for Numeric 
> and numarray distributions is, but it would be very helpful for me (and 
> for anyone using Numeric/numarray on the Mac) if new distributions were 
> available that contained the fixes mentioned in the november 
> discussions...

numarray-1.2 is relatively near at hand, sometime in the next 2-3 weeks
I hope.   For numarray-1.2 on the Mac,  I think all you will need to do
to get a vecLib build is:

python setup.py install --use_lapack


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