[Numpy-discussion] Matlab/Numeric/numarray benchmarks

Todd Miller jmiller at stsci.edu
Thu Jan 6 12:25:43 EST 2005

> >I ported dotblas yesterday and checked it into numarray CVS yesterday
> >afternoon.  I fixed the last doctest artifact and re-arranged a little
> >this morning.
> >
> >  
> >
> I just checked out the 1.2a CVS and am getting the same result I did 
> before, with matrix multiplies about a factor of 7 slower in numarray 
> than numeric.  


>>> import numarray.dotblas as db
1   # 0 means the import fails

Then try:

>>> import numarray._dotblas

and the traceback should identify the problem.

> Now, I'm building with the Absoft compiler, and am 
> wondering if some glitch in the build process is causing ATLAS not to be 
> used.   How did Simon Burton get the list of libraries loaded by python 
> after importing numarray?  I should check that next.
> By the way, libg2c still needs to be linked against with the Absoft 
> compiler;  add 'g2c' to 'lapack_libs' between 'atlas' and 'f90math'.
> Steve

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