[Numpy-discussion] Numeric3

Peter Verveer verveer at embl.de
Thu Feb 10 13:09:38 EST 2005

> Toward that end, I would really appreciate knowing from anybody who 
> understands, which C-API calls are seen as most relevant and new.

The distinction between input and output (and possible I/O) arrays is 
extremely useful.

> For example, after the discussion on this list, I can understand that 
> having the ability to "copy-back to a mis-behaved object" can be 
> useful, and it has pointed out holes in the Numeric API (holes which 
> we all know are there).

It allows  you easily and effiencly implement output arguments, which I 
think is essential.

>   I still don't know about having three different API calls to do it 
> (instead of just a flag in the requires argument).

How it is finally implemented is not really important, a flag would be 

> Over the next few weeks, I will be putting together a PEP-like 
> document.  This PEP will essentially discuss the behavior of the 
> arrayobject that we would like to see in the Python core.    I will 
> need lots of feedback and help with it, so I will post it to the 
> Numeric page as it develops.    There are a couple of unresolved 
> issues that need comments.  Hopefully, the PEP will help sort those 
> out.   I think though, there are only a couple of issues.  And I'm 
> confident these can be worked out satisfactorily.   I have no plans to 
> submit the PEP until it has received attention from everybody 
> interested.


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