[Numpy-discussion] Data type change completed

Colin J. Williams cjw at sympatico.ca
Mon Dec 5 18:51:03 EST 2005

Travis Oliphant wrote:

> I've committed the data-type change discussed at the end of last week 
> to the SVN repository.  Now the concept of a data type for an array 
> has been replaced with a "data-descriptor".  This data-descriptor is 
> flexible enough to handle an arbitrary record specification with 
> fields that include records and arrays or arrays of records.  While 
> nesting may not be the best data-layout for a new design, when 
> memory-mapping an arbitrary fixed-record-length file, this capability 
> allows you to handle even the most obsure record file.
Does this mean that the dtype parameter is changed?  obscure??

> While the basic core tests pass for me, there may be lurking problems 
> and so testing of the SVN trunk of scipy core will be appreciated.  
> I've bumped up the version number because the C-API has changed (a few 
> new functions and some functions becoming macros).
> I'd like to make a release of the new version by the end of the week 
> (as soon as Chris Hanley at STSCI and I get records.py working 
> better), so please test.
> Recently some intel c-compiler tests were failing on a 64-bit 
> platform.  It would be nice to figure out why that is happening as 
> well, but I will probably not have time for that this week.
> Thanks,
> -Travis

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