[Numpy-discussion] bug in numarray?

Nicolas Gruel gruel at astro.ufl.edu
Mon Aug 29 14:54:12 EDT 2005


I think there are a problem with numarray (not sure).

I'm trying to correlate two differents file to find the same object in 
both. To do this I wrote some ugly software and I'm using the 
readcol2.py to read the file in a numarray, numarray string or list format.

The cross_name.py is doing the cross correlation when I'm using the 
numarray string format. I'm using three parameters at differents columns 
and I compare all of them with something like:

numarray.all(a[i,:] == b[j,:])

I saw that my script is very very slow or to be more precise became to 
be slow. It's seems ok at the beginning but little by little is slow 
down by a huge amount. I let it turn all the week end and it found ~40 
000 objects (both files are ~200000 lines...) in common in two days.
I change the software to use the list in python and in some minutes 
I'have ~20 000 objects found in common. So I think there are a big 
problem probably: 1) in my script, perhaps 2) in numarray or 3) in both.

I hope to have explain the problem clearly ...


ps: I print an output for the script cross_name.py to visually see the 
slow down and that appeard to became slow around the 700 objects in 
common but it's gradully decline.
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