[Numpy-discussion] still no cross product for new array type

Alan G Isaac aisaac at american.edu
Mon Aug 15 13:17:14 EDT 2005

On Mon, 15 Aug 2005, Chris Barker apparently wrote: 
> The new array type has nothing to do with linear algebra, 
> nor does Numeric or numarray.

"Nothing" seems a bit strong.

> If we could ever get Python to include additional 
> operators, we could have a Numeric array package and 
> linear algebra package all in one.  both with nice 
> notation, that would be nice. 


> In the meantime, check out cvxopt: 
> http://www.ee.ucla.edu/~vandenbe/cvxopt/ 
> If you want a matrix package. The author is talking about using the new 
> array specification in future versions. 

There is also
(I'm not using either at the moment so I cannot compare them.)

Alan Isaac

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