[Numpy-discussion] Numeric3 - a Windows Problem

Michiel Jan Laurens de Hoon mdehoon at ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Wed Apr 6 04:22:52 EDT 2005

Colin J. Williams wrote:
> Thanks to Michiel and Travis for their suggestions.  I am using Windows 
> XP and get the following result:
>    C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\Numeric3\Download>python setup.py
>    config --compiler=minw32
>    running config
>    error: don't know how to compile C/C++ code on platform 'nt' with
>    'minw32' compiler
>    C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\Numeric3\Download>
> I would welcome any comments.

--mingw32 contains a 'g'.
Also, make sure you have Cygwin installed, with all the necessary packages.


Michiel de Hoon, Assistant Professor
University of Tokyo, Institute of Medical Science
Human Genome Center
4-6-1 Shirokane-dai, Minato-ku
Tokyo 108-8639

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