[Numpy-discussion] bug ? in Records arrays in numarray

Perry Greenfield perry at stsci.edu
Wed Jun 30 09:08:16 EDT 2004

On Jun 30, 2004, at 11:55 AM, Russell E Owen wrote:

> I agree. I have gotten numarray.records to handle multi-dimensional 
> arrays, but it's a terrible pain to create them, str(arry) fails and 
> setting elements of records arrays is painful. I hope at some point 
> they get a major redesign, as they don't actually seem to have been 
> designed to fit in with numarray. The resulting code was so ugly that 
> I gave up and used multiple identically shaped arrays instead.
I think we will be taking a look at that soon. I agree that they could 
be generalized
to work better with numarray. Hopefully we will be soliciting comments 
in the next
few weeks about the best way to do that.


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