[Numpy-discussion] Accessing rank-0 array value?

Peter Verveer verveer at embl-heidelberg.de
Mon Jun 7 02:28:04 EDT 2004

For instance:

 >>> float(b)

or probably more appropriate since it retains the type:

 >>> b[()]

Both not very intuitive, are there any better ways?

On 7 Jun 2004, at 11:17, Francesc Alted wrote:

> Hi,
> Perhaps this is a stupid question, but I did not found any easy way to 
> get
> the python object value from a rank-0 numarray array. That is:
>>>> from numarray import *
>>>> b=array(2)
>>>> b
> array(2)
>>>> b[0]
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> IndexError: Too many indices
> In C, that seem to be possible provided you use the call:
> PyObject* PyArray_Return(PyArrayObject *apr)
> Is there any way to do that in python?

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