[Numpy-discussion] Proposed record array behavior: the rest of the story: updated

Francesc Alted falted at pytables.org
Tue Jul 27 11:48:00 EDT 2004

A Dimarts 27 Juliol 2004 20:21, Colin J. Williams va escriure:
> If one starts with the assumption that field/attribute names are 
> compatible with Python names, then I don't see that this is a problem.  
> The question has been raised as to whether a wider range of names should 
> be permitted e.g.. including such characters as ~`()!çéë.  My view is 
> that such characters should be considered acceptable for data labels, 
> but not for data names. i.e. they are for display, not for manipulation.

I finally was able to see your point. You mean that naming a field with a
non-python identifier would be forbidden, and provide another attribute
(like 'title', for example) in case the user wants to add some kind of data
label. Kind of:

records.array([...], names=["c1","c2","c3"], titles=["F one","time&dime","çò"])

and have a new attribute called "titles" that keeps this info.

Well, I think that would be a very nice solution IMO.

Francesc Alted

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