[Numpy-discussion] repr()

Marc Poinot Marc.Poinot at onera.fr
Wed Feb 4 04:40:10 EST 2004

I'm using repr to get a "re-usable" representation of a given array.
When the array is too large, it looks like the repr() uses ...
instead of printing the actual data.

Is there a way to change that, or any other way to get a textual
representation of a numarray array ?

 Marc POINOT             Alias: marcvs        Email: poinot at onera.fr
 ONERA -MFE/DSNA/ELSA    Tel:  Info: elsa-info at onera.fr
 29, Div. Leclerc        Fax:  Site:     
 92322 Chatillon FRANCE  Project: elsA        Web: http://www.onera.fr

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