[Numpy-discussion] invalid numeric result(s) in divide

Curzio Basso curzio.basso at unibas.ch
Fri Aug 13 05:42:04 EDT 2004

Hi all.

I have a matrix tmp a matrix w, both Float32, with

 >>> tmp.shape
 >>> w.shape
 >>> w.max()
 >>> w.min()
 >>> NA.where(NA.and_(w > 0.0, w < 1.0e-2))
(array([]), array([]))

What is for me surprising is the following:

 >>> tmp = NA.where(w > 0.0, tmp / w, 0.0)
Warning: Encountered invalid numeric result(s)  in divide

Ah, both matrices have no 'nan' or 'inf' elements. So, where could the 
invalid result come from?

thanks, curzio

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