[Numpy-discussion] Migrating Char arrays

Marc Poinot Marc.Poinot at onera.fr
Wed Oct 1 01:58:01 EDT 2003

Francesc Alted wrote:
> >>> from numarray import strings
This solves the python lib problem, but not the API problem. In the API,
I've got some arrays, and when I want to store these arrays in CGNS I cannot
decide if an UInt32 is a string or not. Then I'll have to manage my string
arrays as specific types, but not arrays...
I'll have to add an attribute to arrays to indicate that it is a string,
if so then I should store it in CGNS as C1 array.

Is there a reason why Char type is not taken into account in numarray ?
Well known data representation or storage systems as netCDF or HDF, or
even ADF (our CGNS storage system) have a Char type...

 Marc POINOT             Alias: marcvs        Email: poinot at onera.fr
 ONERA -MFE/DSNA/ELSA    Tel:  Info: elsa-info at onera.fr
 29, Div. Leclerc        Fax:  Site:     
 92322 Chatillon FRANCE  Project: elsA        Web: http://www.onera.fr

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