[Numpy-discussion] numarray repackaging one more time...

Todd Miller jmiller at stsci.edu
Wed May 14 04:08:08 EDT 2003

David M. Cooke wrote:

>On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 05:50:07PM -0400, Todd Miller wrote:
>>As has been mentioned before,  we're planning to repackage numarray as
>>a package rather than as a collection of modules.  We're soliciting
>>comments now because we only want to do this once.
>>Future 3rd party packages should locate themselves under the
>>numarray.addons sub-package:
>>*               --> numarray.addons.*
>What's the rationale for having a separate place for third-party
>packages? Shouldn't they just install themselves as their own packages
>or modules? (i.e., in site-packages/)
I think there are two goals which are served by numarray.addons:

1. It becomes clear what is in the numarray core, and what isn't.  This 
is a maintenance issue.

2. It becomes clear that a particular extension was built explicitly for 
numarray.   This might be valuable in a transition phase from Numeric to 


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