[Numpy-discussion] numarray repackaging one more time...

Todd Miller jmiller at stsci.edu
Wed May 14 04:31:02 EDT 2003

Konrad Hinsen wrote:

>On Tuesday 13 May 2003 23:50, Todd Miller wrote:
>>Here are the planned renamings for the numarray modules as we transition
>>to a package:
>>numarray       --> numarray.numeric
>>recarray       --> numarray.records
>>chararray      --> numarray.strings
>>ndarray        --> numarray.generic
>>*              --> numarray.*
>>Note that class and function names will remain unchanged, so
>>recarray.RecArray will become numarray.records.RecArray.
>>Here are the planned renamings for the current and planned add-on packages
>>consolidated into a single add-ons distribution:
>>LinearAlgrebra2  --> numarray.LinearAlgebra
>>FFT2             --> numarray.FFT
>>RandomArray2     --> numarray.RandomArray
>>Convolve         --> numarray.Convolve
>>Convolve.Image   --> numarray.Image
>>MA2              --> numarray.MA
>Please use a uniform capitalization scheme, no matter which one. Either 
>numarray.image or Numarray.Image (I prefer the latter, but both are better 
>than the mixed one).
Point taken.   I guess that changes the addon mappings to:

LinearAlgrebra2  --> numarray.linear_algebra
FFT2             --> numarray.fft
RandomArray2     --> numarray.random_array
Convolve         --> numarray.convolve
Convolve.Image   --> numarray.image
MA2              --> numarray.ma

or changes everything to:

numarray       --> Numarray.Numeric
recarray       --> Numarray.Records
chararray      --> Numarray.Strings
ndarray        --> Numarray.Generic
*              --> Numarray.*

LinearAlgrebra2  --> Numarray.LinearAlgebra
FFT2             --> Numarray.FFT
RandomArray2     --> Numarray.RandomArray
Convolve         --> Numarray.Convolve
Convolve.Image   --> Numarray.Image
MA2              --> Numarray.MA

I have no preference myself (obviously!).   Lower case and underscores 
may be more in line with our group's style.


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