[Numpy-discussion] ANNOUNCE: numarray-0.6

Jerzy Karczmarczuk karczma at info.unicaen.fr
Sat Jul 19 02:12:09 EDT 2003

Todd Miller wrote:
> I have just uploaded numarray-0.6 to Source Forge. 
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=1369
> This is the first release with numarray repackaged as a Python package.

And what is even more great - I see that the version adapted to Python 2.3
is there. In some private exchange I read "of course we will upgrade, but
2.3 is beta, let's wait when it stabilizes".

I sincerely think that all essential goodies (and numarray is one of them)
should evolve in parallel with the kernel. Personally I wouldn't touch new
versions of Python without having those additional goodies, since I wouldn't
know what to do with it. Just playing with Guido's tutorial, or what?

Thank you.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Caen, France

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