FW: [Numpy-discussion] typecodes in numarray

Todd Miller jmiller at stsci.edu
Fri Jan 24 12:01:32 EST 2003

>>A means for specifying a recarray format might be created from tuples,
>>type objects,  and integer repetition factors.
>>The verbosity of this approach might be a litte tedious,  but it would
>>also be transparent, maintainable, and conflict free.
>I think this is a very good idea. In fact, while working in PyTables I was
>lately pondering what would be the best way to define record arrays, and I
>also think that a verbose approach should be the beast.
>After considering metaclasses, and tuples, I ended to a compromise solution
>between both which are dictionaries combined with some function or class to
>refine the definition.
>My current thinking is something like:
>recarrDescr = {
>    "name"        : defineType(CharType, 16, ""),  # 16-character String
>    "TDCcount"    : defineType(UInt8, 1, 0),    # unsigned byte
>    "ADCcount"    : defineType(Int16, 1, 0),    # signed short integer
>    "grid_i"      : defineType(Int32, 1, 9),    # integer
>    "grid_j"      : defineType(Int32, 1, 9),    # integer
>    "pressure"    : defineType(Float32, 1, 1.),  # float  (single-precision)
>    "temperature" : defineType(Float64, 32, arange(32)),  # double[32]
>    "idnumber"    : defineType(Int64, 1, 0),    # signed long long 
>    }
>where defineType is a class that accepts (type, shape, default) parameters.
>It can be extended safely in the future if more needs appear.
You're way ahead of me here.  The only thing I don't like about this is 
the additional relative complexity because of the addition of field 
names and default values.   It would be nice to layer this more.

>Perhaps you may want to consider this for using in recarray definition.
We'll definitely consider it as we hash this out.  

>>I think we should add an "obsolescent feature" warning to numarray and
>>recarray which flags any use of character typecodes when the appropriate
>>command line switches are set.
>Well, I don't fully agree with that. I do believe that classes typecodes to
>be a more meaningful way for describing types, but charcodes can be quite
>advantageous in certain situations, like in describing in compact way the
>contents of a record, or passing this info to C-routines to deal with the
Yeah, I know.

>For example, consider the benefits of describing a recarray format as:
I know.

>instead of
>((Int16, 3), 
> (Int32, 4),
> (Float64, 20),
> )
This is pretty much exactly what I was thinking.  It is straightforward 
to imagine and difficult to forget.  

>the former being more handy in lots of situations.
Would you please name some of these so we can explore handling them both 

>I certainly believe that a coexistence of both can be very beneficious, specially for 3rd party extension makers (like me :).
If there's a reasonable way to avoid supporting both,  we should.

>>>Suggestion: if recarray charcodes are not necessary to match the Numeric
>>>ones, I propose that using the Python convention maybe a good idea.
>>>Look at the table in:
>>This sounds good to me,  except that it will break an existing interface
>>that I don't have control over.  Therefore,  I suggest we correct the
>>problem by coming up with something better.
>Well, if charcodes finally stay in, this have an additional advantage in
>that python crew has provided meaningful ways to express padding (character
>"x"), endianess ("=", "<", ">") and alignment ("@"). 
We might also add these to the type-repetition tuple.


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