[Numpy-discussion] numarray C API

Todd Miller jmiller at stsci.edu
Fri Aug 15 06:19:01 EDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 20:54, o.mekkaoui wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to use numarray.
> I use Python2.2 and I have installed numarray0.6.1.
> I have to problem:
> 1) when I test numarray, I got this
>  >>> import numarray.testall as testall
>  >>> testall.test()
> *** Tester.merge: 'numarray.numtest' in both testers; summing outcomes.
> *** Tester.merge: 'numarray.numtest.dtp' in both testers; summing outcomes.
> *** Tester.merge: 'numarray.numtest.test' in both testers; summing outcomes.
> *** Tester.merge: 'numarray.numtest.ratioarr' in both testers; summing 
> outcomes.*** Tester.merge: 'numarray.numtest.comparr' in both testers; 
> summing outcomes.
> *** Tester.merge: 'numarray.numtest.dummy' in both testers; summing 
> outcomes.
> numeric:  (0, 1037)
> records:  (0, 48)
> strings:  (0, 168)
> memmap:  (0, 75)
> which differ from that given in numarray documentation.

The "Tester.merge" lines need to be documented.  They're a result of
running the tests twice in an attempt to detect cache related bugs.

The total test counts vary from release to release.  The leading zeros
are good... they mean for instance, 0 out of 1037 tests failed.  Thus,
your test results show that numarray is installed and working.

> 2)  writting a little C API program using  numrray  don't  work too:  I 
> got  for example
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "Test_num.py", line 3, in ?
>     from test_num import departure
> ImportError: ./test_num.so: undefined symbol: import_libnumarray
> I don't understand why the MACRO import_libnumarray() is not imported.

Make sure you included the header file "numarray.h" or "arrayobject.h". 

> And if someone can send me I little C API example, I will be very grateful.

If you have the numarray source distribution, try looking in the
Examples directory for various ways to interface with numarray in C.  Of
the choices there, the best ones to start with are probably either the
"High Level" API (Examples/convolve/high_levelmodule.c) or the Numeric
compatible API (Examples/convolve/numpy_compatmodule.c).

> Thanks in advance for your help.

You're welcome.  Good Luck!


Todd Miller 			jmiller at stsci.edu

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