[Numpy-discussion] taking on new EM simulator project- ASAP

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Thu Jan 10 07:09:02 EST 2002

On Thu, 10 Jan 2002, Rob wrote:

> This one will be interesting.  I'm going to convert the Fortran ASAP MoM
> simulator to Numpy.  I've already started and its bringing back bad
> memories of punch cards, etc.  ASAP is a viable alternative to NEC2 for
> wire antennas, as it uses the Sommerfield conditions for imperfect
> ground.  And its not too long of a program to port.  The heavy stuff
> will be I/O.  Fortunately, I can use f2c to decode the format statements
> :)

But why don't you use Fortran/Python binding tools like pyfort or f2py?


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