[Numpy-discussion] numarray, Convolve, and lineshapes

Todd Miller jmiller at stsci.edu
Thu Aug 22 12:20:04 EDT 2002

Jochen Küpper wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>On Thu, 22 Aug 2002 14:25:37 -0400 Todd Miller wrote:
>Todd> Your contribution to the Convolve package is a welcome addition
>Todd> provided that you are willing to tighten up your copyrights a
>Todd> little.
>That's fine, no problem.

>You can assume that I am willing to allow a 'modified BSD'-style
>license [1] on everything that I'll contribute to numarray. I might

>still send it to the ml as GPL'ed, because that's what I put all my
>code under initially. (And if it doesn't go into numarray, I'd
That's OK.

>probably like to keep it that way.)
>Todd> open source under a BSD-like license.
My mistake here.   numarray is already using a modified-BSD-like 

>I don't like "normal" BSD so much because I wish to release most of my
>code GPL'ed, unless somebody asks. But GPL and "normal" BSD don't get
>along well. (See [1])
To keep open the possibility that numarray might someday be included in 
Python, we don't want any part of numarray to be GPL'ed.   This is a 
little overkill, because Packages probably wouldn't be on the immediate 
list of things to submit anyway.   Still,  it keeps life simple and us 
out of trouble.

>So I'll clean it up a little tonight and check it in, if that's ok
>with you.
Sounds great!

>[1]  http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/license-list.html#ModifiedBSD
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Todd Miller 			jmiller at stsci.edu

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