[Numpy-discussion] Proposing a new test framework

Janko Hauser jhauser at ifm.uni-kiel.de
Tue Jun 6 09:43:15 EDT 2000

Hello, I started to use PyUnit to build another test framework for
NumPy. The ideas behind this approach are:

-- Build on a known and maybe standard framework.

-- Make tests in such a way that they can be handled with Python so
   helper functions can be written to perform single tests from the

-- The framework should facilitate the writing of new tests by
   everyone, not only for NumPy routines but also for more complex or
   derived programs.

-- The tests should be self contained, each test is done in a clean

-- The hole test suite can be run, also if some tests are
   failing. This is important for all these cases, where there are
   known errors in the system libraries.

-- Define and document what actually is tested. There are different
   criteria for tests on numerical functions, like testing the
   interface, the numerical valid input range, type coercions, the
   algorithm and so on.

In the end I want to have a module which can be imported and the
contained classes can be used to write new tests, perform tests and
generate reports. Together with a naming convention it should be
possible to automate the testing of new modules.

I have written some ideas down at:


There is also a module which is NOT the proposed framework, but which
demonstrates how the code of the tests looks like.

Are there some comments, objections or new ideas?

With regards,


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