[New-bugs-announce] [issue10060] python.exe crashes or hangs on help() modules when bad modules found

Dev Player report at bugs.python.org
Sun Oct 10 04:03:47 CEST 2010

New submission from Dev Player <devplayer at gmail.com>:

2010-10-10 python.exe crashes or hangs on help() modules 
when bad modules found


The python.exe command line interpreter crashes or hangs when
typing first >>>help() then >modules and a corrupt module is found.

Python 2.7 WinXP SP3 see version details in OUTPUT sections

# -----------------------
I have a workaround as a user. However it appears to be a bug 
from previous Python versions, 2.5 and 2.6 from what I've seen 
through Google and other help() module tickets. 

The workaround is simply remove the corrupt package.

# -----------------------
I've noticed when there is a corrupt package on my PC in the 
Q:\Python27\Lib\site-packages folder that seems to cause 
a problem when issuing >>>help() then >modules in Python. 

Python command line interperter doesn't gracefully exit the 
assertion, it crashes or hangs.

When entering python.exe, idle.exe or pycrust.bat (runs pycrust.py),
typing help(), then typing modules, the help routine runs most of 
the "search-for-packages" routine fine (see OUTPUT SECTION below) 
and seems to find all the installed modules but when it's 
finished it does the following:

- python.exe either crashes, or puts up a help> prompt window and 
  then drops to the DOS command prompt as seen below.

  MS window error:
  python.exe has encountered a problem and needs to clos.
  We are sorry for the inconvienience
  AppName: python.exe
  ModName: unknown
  Offset: 00a20fdf

- IDLE.py doesn't crash but after the >>>help() >modules it shows
  the errors in .py files

- PyCrust.py runs the >>>help() > modules it then shows errors 
  in .py files, it then crashes

In my case you will note the problem occurs on my install of the 
pythonwin package. On my system pythonwin will work until I exit. 

I installed a new version pythonwin just after installing Python 2.7.
The pythonwin version always crashed on exit since it was installed. 
The old pythonwin was deinstalled before installation of the new.

However, having a corrupt installed package shouldn't crash python.

pythonwin version: pywin32 build214

# -----------------------
Something of note:
    All my development, including Python 2.7 installation and 
    packages and projects are on my Q: drive, which is 
    a mapped drive pointing to a sub-folder on a 
    networked-shared folder in WinXP.

    Actual Folder:
    Net-shared Folder:
    Mapped Folder:
        Q: = \\Mycomp\D$\Subst_drives\DRIVE_Q_DEVELOPMENT

    Although not directly used by the user (me) I also have 
    subst'd drives attached to sub-folders of:
    such as:
    U: = D:\SUBST_DRIVES\DRIVE_Q_DEVELOPMENT\Projects\Python27\current

    I only mention this in case the >>>help() >modules routine, 
    while seeking modules, can traverse folder structure attached 
    to soft and hard link combos, symbolic links and junction points 
    or whether they have an effect on traversing the folder structure 
    while searching for packages.

However, I went directly to the folder holding python.exe
When doing help() modules .\python.exe crashed at the end of 
executing "modules" as well.

# -----------------------
So far, I personally have not come across any other issues 
with my installation and python programs and demo code run 
with Python 2.7 except the previously noted exiting-of-pythonwin

# -----------------------
Further details and output from running help() modules below for each
of python.exe, pycrust and idle.

(3 Sections for 3 programs packaged with Python distribution)

Python 2.7 (r27:82525, Jul  4 2010, 09:01:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> help()

Welcome to Python 2.7!  This is the online help utility.

If this is your first time using Python, you should definitely check out
the tutorial on the Internet at http://docs.python.org/tutorial/.

Enter the name of any module, keyword, or topic to get help on writing
Python programs and using Python modules.  To quit this help utility and
return to the interpreter, just type "quit".

To get a list of available modules, keywords, or topics, type "modules",
"keywords", or "topics".  Each module also comes with a one-line summary
of what it does; to list the modules whose summaries contain a given word
such as "spam", type "modules spam".

help> modules

Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules...

AutoComplete        _threading_local    itertools           sspi
AutoCompleteWindow  _tkinter            json                sspicon
AutoExpand          _warnings           keybindingDialog    stat
BaseHTTPServer      _weakref            keyword             statvfs
Bastion             _weakrefset         lib                 string
Bindings            _win32sysloader     lib2to3             stringold
CGIHTTPServer       _winreg             linecache           stringprep
CallTipWindow       _winxptheme         locale              strop
CallTips            abc                 logging             struct
Canvas              aboutDialog         macosxSupport       subprocess
ClassBrowser        adodbapi            macpath             sunau
CodeContext         afxres              macurl2path         sunaudio
ColorDelegator      aifc                mailbox             symbol
ConfigParser        antigravity         mailcap             symtable
Cookie              anydbm              markupbase          sys
CreateBatchFiles    app                 marshal             sysconfig
CreateMacScripts    argparse            math                tabbedpages
Debugger            array               md5                 tabnanny
Delegator           ast                 media               tarfile
Dialog              asynchat            mhlib               telnetlib
DocXMLRPCServer     asyncore            mimetools           tempfile
EditorWindow        atexit              mimetypes           test
Enums               audiodev            mimify              testcode
FileDialog          audioop             mmap                tests
FileList            base64              mmapfile            text
FixTk               bdb                 mmsystem            textView
FormatParagraph     binascii            modulefinder        textwrap
GrepDialog          binhex              msilib              this
HTMLParser          bisect              msvcrt              thread
HyperParser         bsddb               multifile           threading
ID_NS               bz2                 multiprocessing     time
IOBinding           cPickle             mutex               timeit
IdleHistory         cProfile            netbios             timer
MOCK_WX             cStringIO           netrc               tkColorChooser
MimeWriter          calendar            new                 tkCommonDialog
MultiCall           cgi                 nntplib             tkFileDialog
MultiStatusBar      cgitb               nt                  tkFont
ObjectBrowser       chunk               ntpath              tkMessageBox
ObjectListView      clock               ntsecuritycon       tkSimpleDialog
OutputWindow        cmath               nturl2path          toaiff
ParenMatch          cmd                 numbers             token
PathBrowser         code                odbc                tokenize
Percolator          codecs              opcode              trace
PyParse             codeop              operator            traceback
PyShell             collections         optparse            ttk
PythonOgreConfig    colorsys            os                  tty
Queue               com                 os2emxpath          turtle
RemoteDebugger      commands            parser              types
RemoteObjectBrowser commctrl            pdb                 unicodedata
ReplaceDialog       compileall          perfmon             unittest
ReportVersion       compiler            pickle              urllib
RstripExtension     configDialog        pickletools         urllib2
SampleFramework     configHandler       pipes               urlparse
ScriptBinding       configHelpSourceEdit pkgutil             user
ScrolledList        configSectionNameDialog platform            utils
ScrolledText        contextlib          plistlib            uu
SearchDialog        convert_to_PANP     popen2              uuid
SearchDialogBase    cookielib           poplib              warnings
SearchEngine        copy                posixfile           wave
SimpleDialog        copy_reg            posixpath           weakref
SimpleHTTPServer    core                pprint              webbrowser
SimpleXMLRPCServer  csv                 profile             whichdb
SocketServer        ctypes              pstats              win2kras
StackViewer         curses              pty                 win32api
StringIO            datetime            pub                 win32clipboard
Tix                 dbhash              pubsub              win32com
Tkconstants         dbi                 pubsub1             win32con
Tkdnd               dde                 pubsubconf          win32console
Tkinter             decimal             py_compile          win32cred
ToolTip             difflib             pyclbr              win32crypt
TreeWidget          dircache            pycrust_c           win32cryptcon
UndoDelegator       dis                 pycrust_gdir        win32event
UserDict            distutils           pydoc               win32evtlog
UserList            doctest             pydoc_data          win32evtlogutil
UserString          dprint              pyexpat             win32file
WidgetRedirector    dumbdbm             pyglet              win32gui
WindowList          dummy_thread        pythoncom           win32gui_struct
ZoomHeight          dummy_threading     pythonstartup       win32help
_LWPCookieJar       dynOptionMenuWidget pywin               win32inet
_MozillaCookieJar   email               pywin32_postinstall win32inetcon
__builtin__         encodings           pywin32_testutil    win32job
__future__          errno               pywintypes          win32lz
_abcoll             event               quopri              win32net
_ast                exceptions          random              win32netcon
_autosetuppubsubv1  filecmp             rasutil             win32pdh
_bisect             fileinput           re                  win32pdhquery
_bsddb              fnmatch             regcheck            win32pdhutil
_codecs             font                regutil             win32pipe
_codecs_cn          formatter           repr                win32print
_codecs_hk          fpformat            resource            win32process
_codecs_iso2022     fractions           rexec               win32profile
_codecs_jp          ftplib              rfc822              win32ras
_codecs_kr          functools           rlcompleter         win32rcparser
_codecs_tw          future_builtins     robotparser         win32security
_collections        gc                  rpc                 win32service
_csv                genericpath         run                 win32serviceutil
_ctypes             getopt              runpy               win32timezone
_ctypes_test        getpass             sched               win32trace
_elementtree        gettext             select              win32traceutil
_functools          gl                  servicemanager      win32transaction
_hashlib            glob                sets                win32ts
_heapq              graphics            setup               win32ui
_hotshot            gzip                setuparg1           win32uiole
_io                 hashlib             setupkwargs         win32verstamp
_json               heapq               setupv1             win32wnet
_locale             hmac                setupv2             window
_lsprof             hotshot             sgmllib             winerror
_md5                htmlentitydefs      sha                 winioctlcon
_msi                htmllib             shelve              winnt
_multibytecodec     httplib             shlex               winperf
_multiprocessing    idle                shutil              winsound
_pyio               idlelib             signal              winxpgui
_random             idlever             singletonmixin      winxptheme
_sha                ihooks              site                wsgiref
_sha256             image               smtpd               wx
_sha512             imageop             smtplib             wxPython
_socket             imaplib             sndhdr              wxversion
_sqlite3            imghdr              socket              xdrlib
_sre                imp                 sprite              xml
_ssl                importlib           sqlite3             xmllib
_strptime           imputil             sre                 xmlrpclib
_struct             info                sre_compile         xxsubtype
_subprocess         inspect             sre_constants       zipfile
_symtable           io                  sre_parse           zipimport
_testcapi           isapi               ssl                 zlib

Enter any module name to get more help.  Or, type "modules spam" to search
for modules whose descriptions contain the word "spam".


WHAT YOU SEE ABOVE a copy and past:
python.exe either crashes, or puts up a help> prompt window and then 
drops to the DOS command prompt as seen above without indicating
there was a corrupt package.


Python 2.7 (r27:82525, Jul  4 2010, 09:01:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.

>>> help()

Welcome to Python 2.7!  This is the online help utility.

If this is your first time using Python, you should definitely check out
the tutorial on the Internet at http://docs.python.org/tutorial/.

Enter the name of any module, keyword, or topic to get help on writing
Python programs and using Python modules.  To quit this help utility and
return to the interpreter, just type "quit".

To get a list of available modules, keywords, or topics, type "modules",
"keywords", or "topics".  Each module also comes with a one-line summary
of what it does; to list the modules whose summaries contain a given word
such as "spam", type "modules spam".

help> modules

Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules...

AutoComplete        _threading_local    itertools           sspi
AutoCompleteWindow  _tkinter            json                sspicon
AutoExpand          _warnings           keybindingDialog    stat
BaseHTTPServer      _weakref            keyword             statvfs
Bastion             _weakrefset         lib                 string
Bindings            _win32sysloader     lib2to3             stringold
CGIHTTPServer       _winreg             linecache           stringprep
CallTipWindow       _winxptheme         locale              strop
CallTips            abc                 logging             struct
Canvas              aboutDialog         macosxSupport       subprocess
ClassBrowser        adodbapi            macpath             sunau
CodeContext         afxres              macurl2path         sunaudio
ColorDelegator      aifc                mailbox             symbol
ConfigParser        antigravity         mailcap             symtable
Cookie              anydbm              markupbase          sys
CreateBatchFiles    app                 marshal             sysconfig
CreateMacScripts    argparse            math                tabbedpages
Debugger            array               md5                 tabnanny
Delegator           ast                 media               tarfile
Dialog              asynchat            mhlib               telnetlib
DocXMLRPCServer     asyncore            mimetools           tempfile
EditorWindow        atexit              mimetypes           test
Enums               audiodev            mimify              testcode
FileDialog          audioop             mmap                tests
FileList            base64              mmapfile            text
FixTk               bdb                 mmsystem            textView
FormatParagraph     binascii            modulefinder        textwrap
GrepDialog          binhex              msilib              this
HTMLParser          bisect              msvcrt              thread
HyperParser         bsddb               multifile           threading
ID_NS               bz2                 multiprocessing     time
IOBinding           cPickle             mutex               timeit
IdleHistory         cProfile            netbios             timer
MOCK_WX             cStringIO           netrc               tkColorChooser
MimeWriter          calendar            new                 tkCommonDialog
MultiCall           cgi                 nntplib             tkFileDialog
MultiStatusBar      cgitb               nt                  tkFont
ObjectBrowser       chunk               ntpath              tkMessageBox
ObjectListView      clock               ntsecuritycon       tkSimpleDialog
OutputWindow        cmath               nturl2path          toaiff
ParenMatch          cmd                 numbers             token
PathBrowser         code                odbc                tokenize
Percolator          codecs              opcode              trace
PyParse             codeop              operator            traceback
PyShell             collections         optparse            ttk
PythonOgreConfig    colorsys            os                  tty
Queue               com                 os2emxpath          turtle
RemoteDebugger      commands            parser              types
RemoteObjectBrowser commctrl            pdb                 unicodedata
ReplaceDialog       compileall          perfmon             unittest
ReportVersion       compiler            pickle              urllib
RstripExtension     configDialog        pickletools         urllib2
SampleFramework     configHandler       pipes               urlparse
ScriptBinding       configHelpSourceEdit pkgutil             user
ScrolledList        configSectionNameDialog platform            utils
ScrolledText        contextlib          plistlib            uu
SearchDialog        convert_to_PANP     popen2              uuid
SearchDialogBase    cookielib           poplib              warnings
SearchEngine        copy                posixfile           wave
SimpleDialog        copy_reg            posixpath           weakref
SimpleHTTPServer    core                pprint              webbrowser
SimpleXMLRPCServer  csv                 profile             whichdb
SocketServer        ctypes              pstats              win2kras
StackViewer         curses              pty                 win32api
StringIO            datetime            pub                 win32clipboard
Tix                 dbhash              pubsub              win32com
Tkconstants         dbi                 pubsub1             win32con
Tkdnd               dde                 pubsubconf          win32console
Tkinter             decimal             py_compile          win32cred
ToolTip             difflib             pyclbr              win32crypt
TreeWidget          dircache            pycrust_c           win32cryptcon
UndoDelegator       dis                 pycrust_gdir        win32event
UserDict            distutils           pydoc               win32evtlog
UserList            doctest             pydoc_data          win32evtlogutil
UserString          dprint              pyexpat             win32file
WidgetRedirector    dumbdbm             pyglet              win32gui
WindowList          dummy_thread        pythoncom           win32gui_struct
ZoomHeight          dummy_threading     pythonstartup       win32help
_LWPCookieJar       dynOptionMenuWidget pywin               win32inet
_MozillaCookieJar   email               pywin32_postinstall win32inetcon
__builtin__         encodings           pywin32_testutil    win32job
__future__          errno               pywintypes          win32lz
_abcoll             event               quopri              win32net
_ast                exceptions          random              win32netcon
_autosetuppubsubv1  filecmp             rasutil             win32pdh
_bisect             fileinput           re                  win32pdhquery
_bsddb              fnmatch             regcheck            win32pdhutil
_codecs             font                regutil             win32pipe
_codecs_cn          formatter           repr                win32print
_codecs_hk          fpformat            resource            win32process
_codecs_iso2022     fractions           rexec               win32profile
_codecs_jp          ftplib              rfc822              win32ras
_codecs_kr          functools           rlcompleter         win32rcparser
_codecs_tw          future_builtins     robotparser         win32security
_collections        gc                  rpc                 win32service
_csv                genericpath         run                 win32serviceutil
_ctypes             getopt              runpy               win32timezone
_ctypes_test        getpass             sched               win32trace
_elementtree        gettext             select              win32traceutil
_functools          gl                  servicemanager      win32transaction
_hashlib            glob                sets                win32ts
_heapq              graphics            setup               win32ui
_hotshot            gzip                setuparg1           win32uiole
_io                 hashlib             setupkwargs         win32verstamp
_json               heapq               setupv1             win32wnet
_locale             hmac                setupv2             window
_lsprof             hotshot             sgmllib             winerror
_md5                htmlentitydefs      sha                 winioctlcon
_msi                htmllib             shelve              winnt
_multibytecodec     httplib             shlex               winperf
_multiprocessing    idle                shutil              winsound
_pyio               idlelib             signal              winxpgui
_random             idlever             singletonmixin      winxptheme
_sha                ihooks              site                wsgiref
_sha256             image               smtpd               wx
_sha512             imageop             smtplib             wxPython
_socket             imaplib             sndhdr              wxversion
_sqlite3            imghdr              socket              xdrlib
_sre                imp                 sprite              xml
_ssl                importlib           sqlite3             xmllib
_strptime           imputil             sre                 xmlrpclib
_struct             info                sre_compile         xxsubtype
_subprocess         inspect             sre_constants       zipfile
_symtable           io                  sre_parse           zipimport
_testcapi           isapi               ssl                 zlib

Enter any module name to get more help.  Or, type "modules spam" to search
for modules whose descriptions contain the word "spam".

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
  File "Q:\Python27\lib\site.py", line 453, in __call__
    return pydoc.help(*args, **kwds)
  File "Q:\Python27\lib\pydoc.py", line 1723, in __call__
  File "Q:\Python27\lib\pydoc.py", line 1735, in interact
    request = self.getline('help> ')
  File "Q:\Python27\lib\pydoc.py", line 1746, in getline
    return raw_input(prompt)
  File "Q:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin\pywin\framework\app.py", line 367, in Win32RawInput
  File "Q:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin\pywin\mfc\dialog.py", line 223, in GetSimpleInput
    if title is None: title=win32ui.GetMainFrame().GetWindowText()
error: The frame does not exist

IDLE doesn't crash


PyCrust 0.9.8 - The Flakiest Python Shell
Python 2.7 (r27:82525, Jul  4 2010, 09:01:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Startup script executed: C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\pycrust\startup

Welcome to Python 2.7!  This is the online help utility.

If this is your first time using Python, you should definitely check out
the tutorial on the Internet at http://docs.python.org/tutorial/.

Enter the name of any module, keyword, or topic to get help on writing
Python programs and using Python modules.  To quit this help utility and
return to the interpreter, just type "quit".

To get a list of available modules, keywords, or topics, type "modules",
"keywords", or "topics".  Each module also comes with a one-line summary
of what it does; to list the modules whose summaries contain a given word
such as "spam", type "modules spam".

help> modules

Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules...

AutoComplete        _threading_local    itertools           sspi
AutoCompleteWindow  _tkinter            json                sspicon
AutoExpand          _warnings           keybindingDialog    stat
BaseHTTPServer      _weakref            keyword             statvfs
Bastion             _weakrefset         lib                 string
Bindings            _win32sysloader     lib2to3             stringold
CGIHTTPServer       _winreg             linecache           stringprep
CallTipWindow       _winxptheme         locale              strop
CallTips            abc                 logging             struct
Canvas              aboutDialog         macosxSupport       subprocess
ClassBrowser        adodbapi            macpath             sunau
CodeContext         afxres              macurl2path         sunaudio
ColorDelegator      aifc                mailbox             symbol
ConfigParser        antigravity         mailcap             symtable
Cookie              anydbm              markupbase          sys
CreateBatchFiles    app                 marshal             sysconfig
CreateMacScripts    argparse            math                tabbedpages
Debugger            array               md5                 tabnanny
Delegator           ast                 media               tarfile
Dialog              asynchat            mhlib               telnetlib
DocXMLRPCServer     asyncore            mimetools           tempfile
EditorWindow        atexit              mimetypes           test
Enums               audiodev            mimify              testcode
FileDialog          audioop             mmap                tests
FileList            base64              mmapfile            text
FixTk               bdb                 mmsystem            textView
FormatParagraph     binascii            modulefinder        textwrap
GrepDialog          binhex              msilib              this
HTMLParser          bisect              msvcrt              thread
HyperParser         bsddb               multifile           threading
ID_NS               bz2                 multiprocessing     time
IOBinding           cPickle             mutex               timeit
IdleHistory         cProfile            netbios             timer
MOCK_WX             cStringIO           netrc               tkColorChooser
MimeWriter          calendar            new                 tkCommonDialog
MultiCall           cgi                 nntplib             tkFileDialog
MultiStatusBar      cgitb               nt                  tkFont
ObjectBrowser       chunk               ntpath              tkMessageBox
ObjectListView      clock               ntsecuritycon       tkSimpleDialog
OutputWindow        cmath               nturl2path          toaiff
ParenMatch          cmd                 numbers             token
PathBrowser         code                odbc                tokenize
Percolator          codecs              opcode              trace
PyParse             codeop              operator            traceback
PyShell             collections         optparse            ttk
PythonOgreConfig    colorsys            os                  tty
Queue               com                 os2emxpath          turtle
RemoteDebugger      commands            parser              types
RemoteObjectBrowser commctrl            pdb                 unicodedata
ReplaceDialog       compileall          perfmon             unittest
ReportVersion       compiler            pickle              urllib
RstripExtension     configDialog        pickletools         urllib2
SampleFramework     configHandler       pipes               urlparse
ScriptBinding       configHelpSourceEdit pkgutil             user
ScrolledList        configSectionNameDialog platform            utils
ScrolledText        contextlib          plistlib            uu
SearchDialog        convert_to_PANP     popen2              uuid
SearchDialogBase    cookielib           poplib              warnings
SearchEngine        copy                posixfile           wave
SimpleDialog        copy_reg            posixpath           weakref
SimpleHTTPServer    core                pprint              webbrowser
SimpleXMLRPCServer  csv                 profile             whichdb
SocketServer        ctypes              pstats              win2kras
StackViewer         curses              pty                 win32api
StringIO            datetime            pub                 win32clipboard
Tix                 dbhash              pubsub              win32com
Tkconstants         dbi                 pubsub1             win32con
Tkdnd               dde                 pubsubconf          win32console
Tkinter             decimal             py_compile          win32cred
ToolTip             difflib             pyclbr              win32crypt
TreeWidget          dircache            pycrust_c           win32cryptcon
UndoDelegator       dis                 pycrust_gdir        win32event
UserDict            distutils           pydoc               win32evtlog
UserList            doctest             pydoc_data          win32evtlogutil
UserString          dprint              pyexpat             win32file
WidgetRedirector    dumbdbm             pyglet              win32gui
WindowList          dummy_thread        pythoncom           win32gui_struct
ZoomHeight          dummy_threading     pythonstartup       win32help
_LWPCookieJar       dynOptionMenuWidget pywin               win32inet
_MozillaCookieJar   email               pywin32_postinstall win32inetcon
__builtin__         encodings           pywin32_testutil    win32job
__future__          errno               pywintypes          win32lz
_abcoll             event               quopri              win32net
_ast                exceptions          random              win32netcon
_autosetuppubsubv1  filecmp             rasutil             win32pdh
_bisect             fileinput           re                  win32pdhquery
_bsddb              fnmatch             regcheck            win32pdhutil
_codecs             font                regutil             win32pipe
_codecs_cn          formatter           repr                win32print
_codecs_hk          fpformat            resource            win32process
_codecs_iso2022     fractions           rexec               win32profile
_codecs_jp          ftplib              rfc822              win32ras
_codecs_kr          functools           rlcompleter         win32rcparser
_codecs_tw          future_builtins     robotparser         win32security
_collections        gc                  rpc                 win32service
_csv                genericpath         run                 win32serviceutil
_ctypes             getopt              runpy               win32timezone
_ctypes_test        getpass             sched               win32trace
_elementtree        gettext             select              win32traceutil
_functools          gl                  servicemanager      win32transaction
_hashlib            glob                sets                win32ts
_heapq              graphics            setup               win32ui
_hotshot            gzip                setuparg1           win32uiole
_io                 hashlib             setupkwargs         win32verstamp
_json               heapq               setupv1             win32wnet
_locale             hmac                setupv2             window
_lsprof             hotshot             sgmllib             winerror
_md5                htmlentitydefs      sha                 winioctlcon
_msi                htmllib             shelve              winnt
_multibytecodec     httplib             shlex               winperf
_multiprocessing    idle                shutil              winsound
_pyio               idlelib             signal              winxpgui
_random             idlever             singletonmixin      winxptheme
_sha                ihooks              site                wsgiref
_sha256             image               smtpd               wx
_sha512             imageop             smtplib             wxPython
_socket             imaplib             sndhdr              wxversion
_sqlite3            imghdr              socket              xdrlib
_sre                imp                 sprite              xml
_ssl                importlib           sqlite3             xmllib
_strptime           imputil             sre                 xmlrpclib
_struct             info                sre_compile         xxsubtype
_subprocess         inspect             sre_constants       zipfile
_symtable           io                  sre_parse           zipimport
_testcapi           isapi               ssl                 zlib

Enter any module name to get more help.  Or, type "modules spam" to search
for modules whose descriptions contain the word "spam".

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "Q:\Python27\lib\site.py", line 453, in __call__
    return pydoc.help(*args, **kwds)
  File "Q:\Python27\lib\pydoc.py", line 1723, in __call__
  File "Q:\Python27\lib\pydoc.py", line 1735, in interact
    request = self.getline('help> ')
  File "Q:\Python27\lib\pydoc.py", line 1746, in getline
    return raw_input(prompt)
  File "Q:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin\pywin\framework\app.py", line 367, in Win32RawInput
  File "Q:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin\pywin\mfc\dialog.py", line 223, in GetSimpleInput
    if title is None: title=win32ui.GetMainFrame().GetWindowText()
error: The frame does not exist

Then after doing anything in PyCrust it crashes


components: IDLE
messages: 118298
nosy: devplayer
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: python.exe crashes or hangs on help() modules when bad modules found
type: crash
versions: Python 2.7

Python tracker <report at bugs.python.org>

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