[Neuroimaging] [External] [DIPY] Re: DIPY receives new multimillion dollar NIH grant (4 years)

Maharjan, Surendra smaharj at iu.edu
Thu Sep 14 11:11:16 EDT 2023

This is awesome. Cheers. 😃

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From: Yingying Wang <yingying.wang at unl.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 10:18:26 PM
To: Eleftherios Garyfallidis <garyfallidis at gmail.com>
Cc: dipy at python.org <dipy at python.org>; Neuroimaging analysis in Python <neuroimaging at python.org>; Harezlak, Jaroslaw <harezlak at iu.edu>; Ariel Rokem <arokem at uw.edu>; Tang, Wei <wt1 at iu.edu>; K. Serge <skab12 at gmail.com>
Subject: [External] [DIPY] Re: DIPY receives new multimillion dollar NIH grant (4 years)

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👍Awesome! Congratulations 🍾

Best regards,

Yingying Wang (she/her)

Associate Professor

University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Special Education and Communication Disorders

Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior

Neuroimaging for Language, Literacy and Learning<http://nl3.unl.edu/>

Office: +1(402)-472-0106

(Please excuse any typos as it was sent from my mobile device)

On Sep 13, 2023, at 7:35 PM, Eleftherios Garyfallidis <garyfallidis at gmail.com> wrote:

Non-NU Email
Dear all,

I am happy to announce that I received a new grant with co-PIs Rokem, Harezlak and Tang to continue developing the DIPY software platform.

In summary, we are going to:

a) Introduce new pre-processing methods (all sorts of new approaches - many surprises there) !
b) Introduce new bundle analytics methods (tractometry + shape + connectivity) !
c) Optimize DIPY for speed (CPU/GPU) and memory usage (desktop and cloud) !
d) Validate tractography with human and non-human primate data !

More information about the grant can be found here:

Thank you all for your encouragement and especially those from our community that provided
letters of support.

Best regards,
Eleftherios Garyfallidis, PhD
Director of Graduate Studies
Associate Professor
Intelligent Systems Engineering
Indiana University
Luddy Hall 700 N Woodlawn
Bloomington, IN 47408
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