[Neuroimaging] EGAD ECAT!

Katelyn Arnemann klarnemann at gmail.com
Mon Jun 7 17:24:00 EDT 2021


I recommend you reach out to someone at the Jagust lab, such as Suzanne
Baker (SLBaker at lbl.gov).


On Mon, Jun 7, 2021 at 4:49 PM Galassi, Anthony (NIH/NIMH) [C] via
Neuroimaging <neuroimaging at python.org> wrote:

> Hiya,
> My co-worker reached out to Chris Markiewicz about ECAT’s and Nibabel and
> Chris recommended that I reach out to this email address with any questions
> or queries about that imaging format.
> I’m currently working with OpenNeuro to integrate PET data into BIDS and
> our own database. Unfortunately, much (almost all) of the data that’s
> coming off of Siemens is in the dreaded form of ECAT. We have a handful
> (two) bespoke tools of our own creation that we’re using to convert some of
> this imaging data into nifti -> bids. But we would like to focus our
> efforts on better supporting libraries/packages such as Nibabel and Pybids
> since they’re widely adopted and well maintained already (and we’re avid
> users and fans).
> I’m hoping that since this comment in nibabel’s ecat.py  was written
> something has changedr:
> > There is very little documentation of the ECAT format, and many of the
> comments in this code come from a combination of trial and error and wild
> speculation.
> If there are any wizend wizards about ECAT or PET we would be happy to
> receive any wisdom or advice they had to share.
> In the meantime we will use our limited knowledge and leet hacker skills
> to submit PR’s and bug fixes relating to ECAT and Nibabel as we collect and
> solve them.
> Thank you,
> Galassi, Anthony (NIH/NIMH) [C]
> anthony.galassi at nih.gov
> N4 Solutions, LLC
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Katelyn Arnemann, PhD
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