[Neuroimaging] nipype interface not working

Syed Qasim Abbas SyedQasim.Abbas at latrobe.edu.au
Tue Jun 2 18:06:24 EDT 2020

Hi satra,
Thanks for your prompt response. Cheers


From: Neuroimaging <neuroimaging-bounces+syedqasim.abbas=latrobe.edu.au at python.org> On Behalf Of Satrajit Ghosh
Sent: Tuesday, 2 June 2020 10:10 PM
To: Neuroimaging analysis in Python <neuroimaging at python.org>
Subject: Re: [Neuroimaging] nipype interface not working

hi qasim,

the code is not running because the run function needs to be called jacobian.run(). i would recommend going through the nipype tutorials here: https://miykael.github.io/nipype_tutorial/<https://miykael.github.io/nipype_tutorial/>

in the future, you can post questions like this to neurostars.org<http://neurostars.org>



On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 6:14 AM Syed Qasim Abbas <SyedQasim.Abbas at latrobe.edu.au<mailto:SyedQasim.Abbas at latrobe.edu.au>> wrote:
I am trying to use ANTS module available in nipype interface. The example code is given below:

from nipype.interfaces.ants import CreateJacobianDeterminantImage
>>> jacobian = CreateJacobianDeterminantImage()
>>> jacobian.inputs.imageDimension = 3
>>> jacobian.inputs.deformationField = 'ants_Warp.nii.gz'
>>> jacobian.inputs.outputImage = 'out_name.nii.gz'
>>> jacobian.cmdline

The problem is that the code is not generating the output image and runs without popping any error message.

I am using spyder 4.1.3 to run this code.

Thanks for your positive suggestions in response.

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