[Neuroimaging] ANN: MNE-BIDS 0.6 🎄

Richard Höchenberger richard.hoechenberger at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 15:10:26 EST 2020

Hello all!

I am very pleased to announce that we have just released MNE-BIDS 0.6!

These are challenging days for many of us, and to make your lives ever so
slightly easier, we’ve been working hard to deliver this early Christmas
present 🎁 And even if you do not celebrate Christmas, we are quite certain
you will like what we got for you! So – what are you waiting for? It’s time
to unwrap!

What is MNE-BIDS?

MNE-BIDS is a Python package that allows you to read and write BIDS-compatible
datasets with the help of MNE-Python. The project website is located at

Why would you want it?

MNE-BIDS links BIDS and MNE-Python with the goal to make your analyses faster
to code, more robust, and facilitate data and code sharing with co-workers and

Notable changes in 0.6

- The new Inspector, which can be invoked via mne_bids.inspect_dataset(),
  allows you to interactively explore your raw data, change the bad channels
  selection, and edit mne.Annotations. It also performs automated detection of
  flat data segments or channels, to assist you during visual inspection. The
  capabilities of the inspector will be further expanded in upcoming releases
  of MNE-BIDS.

- To further assist you during data inspection, we have added a function to
  summarize all events present in a dataset, mne_bids.stats.count_events().

- Sidecar JSON files can now be updated using a template via

- You can now read and write FLASH MRI images using mne_bids.write_anat().
  We also fixed some issues with MRI defacing along the way.

- Event durations are now preserved upon reading and writing data (we used to
  set all event durations to zero before).


We provide pip- and conda-installable packages.

Please follow the instructions at

(Note that it might take a while for the packages to become available on all
 mirrors, so if you're not seeing 0.6 yet, try again in an hour or two 🕘)

Asking for feedback

If you're experiencing any issues with this release of MNE-BIDS, please do not
hesitate to get in touch with us. You may open an issue on our GitHub issue
tracker at https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-bids/issues


The following people have contributed to this release of MNE-BIDS:

- Adam Li
- Alex Rockhill
- Alexandre Gramfort
- Austin Hurst
- Ethan Knights (🎉 new contributor 🎉)
- Mainak Jas
- Richard Höchenberger
- Stefan Appelhoff

Thank you all, and take care!

    on behalf of the MNE-BIDS team

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