[Neuroimaging] ANN: NiBabel 3.1.0 and 2.5.2

Bertrand Thirion bertrand.thirion at inria.fr
Mon Apr 20 10:26:44 EDT 2020

Congratulations for the release ! and thx ! 


> De: "Christopher Markiewicz" <markiewicz at stanford.edu>
> À: "Neuroimaging analysis in Python" <neuroimaging at python.org>
> Envoyé: Lundi 20 Avril 2020 15:25:08
> Objet: [Neuroimaging] ANN: NiBabel 3.1.0 and 2.5.2

> Hi all,

> NiBabel 3.1.0 is out. This release completes a conversion from nose to pytest,
> ensuring Python 3.9 compatibility when that comes out later this year.
> Additionally, we added some conformation tools as both a Python function and a
> new nib-conform command-line interface.

> NiBabel 2.5.2 was released about two weeks ago, an update in the 2.5.x series
> that retains support for Python 2.7 and 3.4. A couple fixes for SyntaxWarnings
> were back-ported, but the main change was setting maximum compatible versions
> for numpy and scipy to 1.16.x and 1.2.x, which are respectively the final
> series with Python 2 support in those projects. Python 3 users who want to use
> newer features of numpy and scipy are encouraged to upgrade to NiBabel 3.

> Particular thanks to the team that sprinted on tests in February (Dorota
> Jarecka, Roberto Guidotti, Anibal Solon, and Or Duek). And thanks as usual to
> everyone who's contributed, submitted bug reports or fixes.

> Please cite NiBabel 2.5.2 using the Zenodo archive: [
> https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3745545 |
> https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3745545 ]
> Please cite NiBabel 3.1.0 using the Zenodo archive: [
> https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3757992 |
> https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3757992 ]

> I hope everybody is staying well.

> Full changelog follows.

> -----

> Most work on NiBabel so far has been by Matthew Brett (MB), Chris Markiewicz
> (CM), Michael Hanke (MH), Marc-Alexandre Côté (MC), Ben Cipollini (BC), Paul
> McCarthy (PM), Chris Cheng (CC), Yaroslav Halchenko (YOH), Satra Ghosh (SG),
> Eric Larson (EL), Demian Wassermann, Stephan Gerhard and Ross Markello (RM).

> References like "pr/298" refer to github pull request numbers.

> 3.1.0 (Monday 20 April 2020)
> ============================

> New feature release in the 3.1.x series.

> New features
> ------------
> * Conformation function (``processing.conform``) and CLI tool
> (``nib-conform``) to apply shape, orientation and zooms (pr/853) (Jakub
> Kaczmarzyk, reviewed by CM, YOH)
> * Affine rescaling function (``affines.rescale_affine``) to update
> dimensions and voxel sizes (pr/853) (CM, reviewed by Jakub Kaczmarzyk)

> Bug fixes
> ---------
> * Delay import of h5py until neded (pr/889) (YOH, reviewed by CM)

> Maintenance
> -----------
> * Fix typo in documentation (pr/893) (Zvi Baratz, reviewed by CM)
> * Tests converted from nose to pytest (pr/865 + many sub-PRs)
> (Dorota Jarecka, Krzyzstof Gorgolewski, Roberto Guidotti, Anibal Solon,
> Or Duek, CM)

> API changes and deprecations
> ----------------------------
> * ``kw_only_meth``/``kw_only_func`` decorators are deprecated (pr/848)
> (RM, reviewed by CM)

> 2.5.2 (Wednesday 8 April 2020)
> ==============================

> Bug-fix release in the 2.5.x series. This is an extended-support series,
> providing bug fixes for Python 2.7 and 3.4.

> This and all future releases in the 2.5.x series will be incompatible with
> Python 3.9. The last compatible series of numpy and scipy are 1.16.x and
> 1.2.x, respectively.

> If you are able to upgrade to Python 3, it is recommended to upgrade to
> NiBabel 3.

> Bug fixes
> ---------
> * Change strings with invalid escapes to raw strings (pr/827) (EL, reviewed
> by CM)
> * Re-import externals/netcdf.py from scipy to resolve numpy deprecation
> (pr/821) (CM)

> Maintenance
> -----------
> * Set maximum numpy to 1.16.x, maximum scipy to 1.2.x (pr/901) (CM)

> --

> Chris Markiewicz

> Center for Reproducible Neuroscience

> Stanford University

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> Neuroimaging at python.org
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