[Neuroimaging] [fmriprep] Pick middle point of ribbon

Christopher Markiewicz markiewicz at stanford.edu
Tue Sep 18 08:47:12 EDT 2018

Hi Jingwei,

To keep the number of channels constrained, fMRIPrep support is offered on Neurostars [0] and the GitHub issues page [1].



[0] https://neurostars.org/tags/fmriprep

[1] https://github.com/poldracklab/fmriprep/issues/

From: Neuroimaging <neuroimaging-bounces+markiewicz=stanford.edu at python.org> on behalf of Jingwei Li <jingweili.sjtu.nus at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 4:07:32 AM
To: neuroimaging at python.org
Subject: [Neuroimaging] [fmriprep] Pick middle point of ribbon

Dear fmriprep experts,

I found that when fmriprep does projection from EPI to fsaverage space, it equally samples 6 points between pial surface and white-matter surface and averages them. If I want to only pick the middle point of the ribbon, is there a way to modify fmriprep code to achieve this? Thanks!

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