[Neuroimaging] DIPY peak_dir not normalised

Koudoro, Serge skoudoro at iu.edu
Thu Oct 11 14:00:16 EDT 2018

Hello Andrey,

Thank you for your question. The peak_directions have unit norm and their length is saved in peak_values.

This helps supporting different tracking strategies. Sometimes; people use the length and often not. That is why these

are separate. Of course you can multiple the two matrices together to get the complete vectors.

Let us know if you need more information.




From: Neuroimaging <neuroimaging-bounces+skoudoro=iu.edu at python.org> on behalf of Andrey Zhylka <zhylka.ai at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2018 9:26 AM
To: neuroimaging at python.org
Subject: [Neuroimaging] DIPY peak_dir not normalised

Dear all,

I am quite a new user of DIPY, so when I checked the output of dipy.direction.peaks_from_model function I was a little puzzled by direction vectors not being normal and their length not corresponding to peak_values.
Could anyone, please, explain, what is meant by peak_values and whether I may make use of peak direction vector length?

With best regards,
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