[Neuroimaging] Nipy bugfix release

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 04:45:06 EST 2017


I just released nipy 0.4.1.   I've appended the Changelog entry, but
the release is primarily to make nipy compatible with Python 3.6,
Numpy 1.12, Sympy 1.0.

Many thanks to:

Matteo Visconti dOC
Yaroslav Halchenko
Lilian Besson
Horea Christian
Bertrand Thirion
Joke Durnez
Igor Gnatenko
Virgile Fritsch

for your contributions.

As usual

    pip install --user --upgrade nipy

Happy Nipying,



  Bugfix, refactoring and compatibility release.

  * New discrete cosine transform functions for building basis sets;
  * Fixes for compatibility with Python 3.6;
  * Fixes for compatibility with Numpy 1.12 (1.12 no longer allows
floating point values for indexing and other places where an integer
value is required);
  * Fixes for compatibility with Sympy 1.0;
  * Drop compatibility with Python 2.6, 3.2, 3.3;
  * Add ability to pass plotting arguments to ``plot_anat`` function
(Matteo Visconti dOC);
  * Some helpers for working with OpenFMRI datasets;
  * Signal upcoming change in return shape from ``make_recarray`` when
passing in an array for values. Allow user to select upcoming behavior
with keyword argument;
  * Bug fix for axis selection when using record arrays in numpies <= 1.7.1;
  * Add flag to allow SpaceTimeRealign to read TR from image headers
(Horea Christian).

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