[Neuroimaging] Using Python libs from MATLAB

Nathaniel Smith njs at pobox.com
Tue Jun 14 11:03:22 EDT 2016

On Jun 14, 2016 1:22 AM, "Marmaduke Woodman" <marmaduke.woodman at univ-amu.fr>
> > What operating systems have you tested these on?  I wouldn't be
surprised if you found that all of the above issues happened only on Linux
> Windows, Mac & Linux. My experience is that toolchains, compiler flags
and library versions are more consistent on Windows & Mac, leading to fewer

My prediction is that on Windows and OS X, you actually can use
inconsistent versions of hdf5 and blas, and it will work. Can you confirm
this explicitly? It's possible that I'm wrong, but I would be surprised
because it's actually impossible to get symbol collisions on those
operating systems unless you really try hard to configure things in an
extra broken way. This toolchain diversity argument doesn't make a ton of
sense to me -- Windows in particular actually has way more toolchain
diversity than the other platforms.

(I notice they say they're compatible with py27, py33, py34... I wonder
what compilers they used for that on Windows.)

(This might also explain how they could have shipped with basic stuff like
numpy broken, if they only tested on Windows or something...)

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