[Neuroimaging] NIBIB at NIH funds Nipype development

Chris Filo Gorgolewski krzysztof.gorgolewski at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 17:47:10 EST 2016

Go, go team! Well deserved!

On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 2:15 PM, Satrajit Ghosh <satra at mit.edu> wrote:

> hi all,
> we wanted to announce some fantastic news regarding nipype. we have
> received funding from nibib to support nipype development for the next four
> years starting today. thanks to this grant, we will be able to harden,
> extend, and disseminate nipype and other nipy community projects. more
> importantly, chris and i and a few others will be able to spend a chunk of
> time on nipype.
> the key goals of the project are to improve usability and interactivity,
> introspection of computation, and interoperability with other projects,
> databases, and web-services (neurovault, neurosynth, and others). the focus
> will be on reproducible dataflows in biomedicine. the resources will also
> support additional personnel, an annual workshop, and cloud resources for
> some web services. as soon as we take care of a few administrative pieces,
> we will focus on nipype engineering.
> i do want to thank the extended nipy community for its extensive support
> towards nipype development, maintenance, and adoption over the last 5
> years. we couldn't have gotten to this point without you. we are thrilled
> with the opportunity, very excited about the possibilities, and look
> forward to continued engagement with the community.
> quoting eleftherios: go go team!
> cheers,
> satra
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