[Neuroimaging] parallel computation of bundle_distances_mam/mdf ?

Eleftherios Garyfallidis elef at indiana.edu
Thu Dec 15 08:54:24 EST 2016

Let's not be rushed to change API decisions that we have been investigating
for years. The multiprocessing framework has its own can of worms. And I
would personally not spend time to develop the algorithm twice. I mean once
for multiprocessing and once for openmp. But that is your call.

Also, let's leave Stephan a bit of time to investigate this. And let's also
ask in Anaconda, Cython and Clang for suggestions on how to solve this
installation problem. We need to figure out this independently of your

OpenMP is fine with Windows and Linux. And as I said just develop it as we
did and only temporarily in OSX you will have things single threaded.
Because Apple decided to make radical changes we shouldn't be changing our
protocols. Especially when they are well established standards.

Yes, we use multiprocessing for the reconstruction step. But anyway you are
not helping me here because you haven't show me your code yet. Show us the
code! :D

And please give us some days to investigate the issue.

On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 3:42 AM Emanuele Olivetti <olivetti at fbk.eu> wrote:

Thank you to all of you for the many details that help to clear up the

It is my understanding that even the last version of OSX, i.e. v10.12.*,
does not support libomp within the Apple's Xcode development framework. At
the same time, future version should support it, at some point. Honestly,
this does not seem an ideal scenario, because not many OSX users chase the
latest versions of the opeating system, while everyone has multiple cores
since many years. For the same reason, I doubt that contacting the Xcode
side may bring us closer to the solution.
To Ariel: if you want to test that OpemMP works, once you build test.so,
just import it in the Python console and execute test.test_func(). You
should get this:
>>> import test
>>> test.test_func()
Thread ID: 2
Thread ID: 8
Thread ID: 7
Thread ID: 3
Thread ID: 4
Thread ID: 5
Thread ID: 6
Thread ID: 0
Thread ID: 1
Thread ID: 9
If you do not enable the OpenMP support (just comment out the two related
lines in setup.py and re-build), the output will differ and only one thread
will show up:
>>> import test
>>> test.test_func()
Thread ID: 0

Anyway, what surprises me most is the failure of Anaconda's gcc+libgomp on
OSX. In principle that toolchain is exactly the same as on GNU/Linux, so I
see no reason for it fail. I'll try to dig more into this one.

To Eleftherios: I agree with you that OpenMP is the best technical
solution, because the use of threads - which shares memory - is definitely
more preferable than multiprocessing - which replicates data in each
process. Anyway, the limitations I see are still there:
1) OpenMP support seems problematic on non-GNU/Linux systems. By the way,
what is the situation on Windows? Here we don't have such system so we
couldn't try.
2) OpemMP works only with Cython code. This means that no Python part of
DiPy can use parallel execution. This seems a bit too excessive to me,
because I expect that not all parts of DiPy will be re-written in Cython,
in the foreseeable future.

So, again, I advocate for some use of the standard multiprocessing module
:) as an temporary step when OpenMP cannot be used.



On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 10:04 PM, Stephan Meesters <
stephan.meesters at gmail.com> wrote:


The instructions at http://nipy.org/dipy/installation.html#openmp-with-osx are
outdated since the clang-omp formula does not exist anymore.

With the release of Clang 3.8.0 (08 Mar 2016), OpenMP 3.1 support is
enabled in Clang by default. You will need the -fopenmp=libomp flag while

I started a while back on a DIPY homebrew formula to allow installation via
"brew install dipy", see
https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-python/pull/310. However it was based
around the deprecated clang-omp and I didn't get around to fix it. Might
look into it soon if I find some spare time to tweak the formula.


2016-12-14 17:14 GMT+01:00 Samuel St-Jean <stjeansam at gmail.com>:

That also depends on which version of clang ships by default with osx, in
which case you have to play around with it to get a new one. I think it
starts with clang 3.7 to have openmp support (I only ever tried Mac osx
10.9, so anyone more experienced can chime in), but everything older has to
go through the hombebrew gcc install and company. Might be worhtwhile to
check if openmp support is out of the box now, and starting on which mac
osx versions, since older ones could be problematic for first time

I also have to admit I have no idea how old is old in the mac world, so
maybe 10.9 is already phased out by now, but it was a hard and time
consuming building around stuff with homebrew experience (and again, first
time I used a mac, so, I guess the average user would also have some


2016-12-14 16:51 GMT+01:00 Eleftherios Garyfallidis <elef at indiana.edu>:

Hi Emanuele,

My understanding is that openmp was only temporarily not available when
clang replaced gcc in osx.

So, I would suggest to go ahead with openmp. Any current installation
issues are only temporarily for osx.
Openmp gives us a lot of capability to play with shared memory and it is a
standard that will be around
for very long time. Also, the great integration in cython makes the
algorithms really easy to read.
So, especially for this project my recommendation is to use openmp rather
than multiprocessing. All the way! :)

I am CC'ing Stephan who wrote the instructions for osx. I am sure he can
help you with this. I would also suggest
to check if xcode provides any new guis for enabling openmp. I remember
there was something for that.


On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 6:29 AM Emanuele Olivetti <olivetti at fbk.eu> wrote:

Hi Eleftherios,

Thank you for pointing me to the MDF example. From what I see the Cython
syntax is not complex, which is good.

My only concern is the availability of OpenMP in the systems where DiPy is
used. On a reasonably recent GNU/Linux machine it seems straightforward to
have libgomp and the proper version of gcc. On other systems - say OSX -
the situation is less clear to me. According to what I read here
the OSX installation steps are not meant for standard end users. Are those
instructions updated?
As a test of that, we've just tried to skip the steps described above and
instead to install gcc with conda on OSX ("conda install gcc"). In the
process, conda installed the recent gcc-4.8 with libgomp, which seems good
news. Unfortunately, when we tried to compile a simple example of Cython
code using parallelization (see below), the process failed (fatal error:
limits.h : no such file or directory)...

For the reasons above, I am wondering whether the very simple solution of
using the "multiprocessing" module, available from the standard Python
library, may be an acceptable first step towards the more efficient
multithreading of Cython/libgomp. With "multiprocessing", there is no extra
dependency on libgomp, or recent gcc or else. Moreover, multiprocessing
does not require to have Cython code, because it works on plain Python too.



---- test.pyx ----
from cython import parallel
from libc.stdio cimport printf

def test_func():
    cdef int thread_id = -1
    with nogil, parallel.parallel(num_threads=10):
        thread_id = parallel.threadid()
        printf("Thread ID: %d\n", thread_id)

----- setup.py -----
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
from Cython.Build import cythonize

extensions = [Extension(

    ext_modules = cythonize(extensions)
python setup.py build_ext --inplace

On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 11:17 PM, Eleftherios Garyfallidis <elef at indiana.edu
> wrote:

Hi Emanuele,

Here is an example of how we calculated the distance matrix in parallel
(for the MDF) using OpenMP

You can just add another function that does the same using mam. It should
be really easy to implement as we have
already done it for the MDF for speeding up SLR.

Then we need to update the bundle_distances* functions to use the parallel

I'll be happy to help you with this. Let's try to schedule some time to
look at this together.

Best regards,

On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 11:16 AM Emanuele Olivetti <olivetti at fbk.eu> wrote:


I usually compute the distance matrix between two lists of streamlines
using bundle_distances_mam() or bundle_distances_mdf(). When the lists are
large, it is convenient and easy to exploit the multiple cores of the CPU
because such computation is intrinsically (embarassingly) parallel. At the
moment I'm doing it through the multiprocessing or the joblib modules,
because I cannot find a way directly from DiPy, at least according to what
I see in dipy/tracking/distances.pyx . But consider that I am not
proficient in cython.parallel.

Is there a preferable way to perform such parallel computation? I plan to
prepare a pull request in future and I'd like to be on the right track.



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