[Neuroimaging] Use gitter as a channel for Q&A

Ben Cipollini bcipolli at ucsd.edu
Wed Nov 25 10:01:18 EST 2015

Gitter also requires a Github account.

Since no tool does what we want, perhaps we could write a simple page that,
for any nipy project:

   - Embeds Gitter chat (e.g. https://sidecar.gitter.im/)
   - Shows neurostars results, filtered for that component.
   - Easily post a message to Neurostars and/or the email list.

Does this make sense?

On Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 6:14 PM, Ariel Rokem <arokem at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> We are considering (https://github.com/nipy/dipy/pull/773) whether to use
> Gitter as a channel for users to come and ask questions about using the
> software.
> Pros:
> - Give users another public channel to ask questions. This one seems to
> have a relatively low barrier to entry, because it feels so "casual". This
> is a good one in my opinion, because I suspect that many users facing a
> difficulty early on in their use of the software might meet some small
> technical issues (e.g. in installing) that would be very easy to debug in a
> quick informal conversation over a chat.
> Cons:
> - Messages are not archived in a google-able manner. Discussions are
> sometimes hard to follow and follow up on. People have to be logged on to
> get the messages.
> - We are also using gitter as a channel to chat about development. This
> might confuse some users. I think this is actually also a pro - some users
> might feel compelled to get involved in discussions about development, and
> in the work of development. In general, I agree with arguments Matthew has
> made in the past that separating "users" from "developers" too firmly can
> be counter-productive to a community that aims to empower users of
> computation in science.
> At the moment, I really just think of starting a little experiment of
> offering this as a channel for help, including putting a side-car chat
> window on the dipy website.
> I might be missing a few pros and cons. What do you all think?
> Ariel
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