[Neuroimaging] When to use neurostars, and when not to

Satrajit Ghosh satra at mit.edu
Tue Aug 25 19:06:48 CEST 2015


i personally don't think of biostars/neurostars as an author reputation
site per se. also unlike stack overflow, reputation doesn't constrain you
to the practical elements of posting and answering questions on *stars.
feel free to discuss this on biostars where the discussion of reputation
and its role in the platform is more apt.

neurostars, like biostars, is a Q+A site and serves a place for aggregation
of information in a better manner than a mailing list for many of the
reasons gael pointed. it overlaps with but doesn't provide all functions of
a mailing list. we will continue to evolve it as a platform for discussion,
but that's not one of the strengths of neurostars. it is more suited for
focused answers to questions.



On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 12:49 PM, Matthew Brett <matthew.brett at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 5:29 PM, John Pellman <pellman.john at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > While I understand an aversion to reputation-based systems (this article
> > comes to mind) I would note that it is quite a bit more difficult to keep
> > track of questions when they are divided between two discussion fora
> (more
> > if you count the AFNI, FSL, and SPM mailing lists), and I can't help but
> > wonder if some amount of consolidation while preserving individual
> interests
> > would be beneficial to the neuroimaging community.
> Well - we do need a mailing list - I guess everyone agrees with that.
> I have an impression that there's general agreement that developer
> questions go to this list - or maybe to the relevant github issues.
> So the remaining question is - where should user questions go.
> Obviously this is a matter of taste, where my taste is strongly for
> having user questions on the general mailing list, and I think that's
> important.  I also agree with blog post you (John P) referenced.  In
> particular, I think reputation sites encourage what the author calls
> 'creeping authoritarianism'.  So I hope to persuade y'all to do the
> same as me, and stick to the mailing list.  But we have an open
> community where we can each follow our individual preferences, and I
> believe that's a strength.  So I can't see an obvious way round the
> current situation.
> Cheers,
> Matthew
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