[Neuroimaging] Website Update

vanessa sochat vsochat at stanford.edu
Mon Aug 24 02:25:42 CEST 2015

ok, I'm testing this out! I was just giving Ariel's solution a try but it
broke circle in weird ways. Apologies for delay in response, I was working
on useless and silly things, and have about an hour for nipy right now!

On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 5:02 PM, Ben Cipollini <bcipolli at ucsd.edu> wrote:

> OK, I think this will work:
> * set baseurl in _config.yml to the repo name (/nipy-jekyll), since github
> has no flexibility.
> * locally, launch with --baseurl="/" (this is a semi-standard, from what I
> see while searching)
> * for circle.ci, write a small bash script that creates the circle.ci
> base url from environment variables, and dumps it to a custom config.yml
> file. Then call that shell script from circle.yml, and launch Jekyll with
> that config file from circle.yml.
> That should be pretty simple to set up in all cases, keep things very
> clean in the templates (just use the baseurl on all urls, as is currently
> done).
> I'm heading out for the night, but may have time to try this in a branch
> later tonight or tomorrow.
> On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 2:46 PM, Ben Cipollini <bcipolli at ucsd.edu> wrote:
>> If it's just a matter of configuring a variable like the base url of the
>> website, then I say no--no problem.
>> If we have to work around it by manipulating URLs in funky ways inside
>> templates... then I say, probably.
>> I don't find this to be a Jekyll issue as much as how the different
>> publishing sources expose Jekyll config. If they simply set the baseurl
>> properly for ya, this would all be so simple! That's exactly what that
>> config variable is there for... and Vanessa's using it quite properly in
>> all the template code.
>> Ben
>> On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 2:43 PM, Matthew Brett <matthew.brett at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 10:40 PM, Ben Cipollini <bcipolli at ucsd.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Hi Vanessa,
>>> >
>>> > Another solution is simply to send Jekyll the proper baseurl in all
>>> cases.
>>> > In my eyes, that's the simplest and intended solution. I just can't
>>> > understand why it's so hard to do easily, or at all.
>>> >
>>> > The relative paths thing is another solution, but I feel that's a
>>> > workaround--Jekyll has the baseurl defined and configurable, it's
>>> clearly
>>> > part of the software design.
>>> >
>>> > Hope we find an elegant solution soon :)
>>> > Ben
>>> Forgive my anxiety, but this conversation worries me.  It seems to me,
>>> that if we are having to do some serious custom configuration to make
>>> a jekyll site work, it goes rather a long way to defeating the purpose
>>> of jekyll as compared to - say - sphinx - in that it makes the site
>>> more difficult and fragile to maintain.   Is that worry reasonable do
>>> you think?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Matthew
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Vanessa Villamia Sochat
Stanford University
(603) 321-0676
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