[Neuroimaging] Website Update

vanessa sochat vsochat at stanford.edu
Sat Aug 22 20:10:21 CEST 2015

Hi Ben,

Yes perfectly said! There are two issues:

1) the baseurl being "" vs. "/" to work on circle vs. locally. This could
be addressed with simply changing it programatically for circle testing.

2) the second problem is in the case of subpages. A url like /blog/pagename
needs to be smart enough to look at itself, realize it's one level down
from the base, and adjust paths appropriately. This is also important so we
can have our pages like "contribute" have urls like
nipy.github.io/contribute instead of nipy.github.io/contribute.html. The
first is achieved via having a folder called "contribute" with index.html



On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 10:59 AM, Ben Cipollini <bcipolli at ucsd.edu> wrote:

> OK, I see the problem.
> Our static files are served relative to the base directory, which is a
> _config.yaml setting (overridable from the command-line).
> If we set baseurl = "", then static files are referenced as relative URLs.
> This works for pages served from the base directory (css/bootstrap.css
> served from home.html will work), but needs a relative path change
> (../css/bootstrap.css served for somedir/somefile.html).
> If we set base_directory to "/", then everything works locally, because
> the root url (/) points to the home directory of the webpage. It doesn't
> work on circle.ci, because the root url does NOT point to the home
> directory of the webpage (of course not; it points to circle.ci).
> Now that I understand the problem, I'll look at the best way to do this.
> Could simply be overriding baseurl to the proper thing in circle.ci (not
> blank, but some deep path on the website), or embedding the proper relative
> paths in the html when generating the pages.
> Ben
> On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 10:32 AM, Ben Cipollini <bcipolli at ucsd.edu> wrote:
>> I'm trying to install Jekyll now, and will see if I can reproduce the
>> problem. If so, I may have a few mins today to think about a solution.
>> Vanessa, do you have a sense of why this is happening? Is the problem
>> finding a solution to a problem you understand well, or is the problem
>> investigating why this is happening to start with?
>> Thanks!
>> Ben
>> On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 10:01 AM, vanessa sochat <vsochat at stanford.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Matthew,
>>> I'm on board with Stefan's suggestion, I just stick to Poldracklab work
>>> during the week and haven't done any new nipy site work. As I mentioned
>>> earlier, I was hoping for some help with a more elegant solution to resolve
>>> the current base url issue (please see my previous messages).  If there
>>> aren't any ideas, I will likely implement a very un-elegant / harder to
>>> change solution, just to get something working, and only after that does it
>>> make sense to give a go at github pages deployment.
>>> Best,
>>> Vanessa
>>> On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 9:55 AM, Matthew Brett <matthew.brett at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Vanessa,
>>>> Thanks again for doing this.
>>>> Have you got a github-pages build of this somewhere?  Sorry if I
>>>> missed it.  I tried building locally, but I'm not confident that I'm
>>>> getting what you expect to see.
>>>> It would be good to have the mission statement somewhere, if y'all
>>>> agree.
>>>> Do you have any thoughts on Stefan's suggestion?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Matthew
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>>> Vanessa Villamia Sochat
>>> Stanford University
>>> (603) 321-0676
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Vanessa Villamia Sochat
Stanford University
(603) 321-0676
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