[NeedForSpeed] Arrival in Reykjavik

Richard Jones richard at commonground.com.au
Sat May 20 08:08:45 CEST 2006

On 20/05/2006, at 3:50 PM, Steve Holden wrote:
> Bummer - thanks for letting me know. As I always say, anyone who  
> thinks international travel is glamorous or appealing hasn't done  
> enough.

They've certainly never flown to Australia if they do :)

> If there *are* further delays please try to let me know - you have  
> my email address, or you can call me on +44 790 870 1538, or toll- 
> free +1 800 494 3119.
> Hope you get to the sprint before it's over :-) !!!!!!!!

So do I! I'm really looking forward to it all too! I'm consoling  
myself by throwing together a little C vector object as a bit of a  
warm-up while I sit in the hotel here. Nothing fancy, just keeps the  
boredom away, and I might as well make use of the mains power to keep  
the laptop juiced up while I have it ;)


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