[NeedForSpeed] Checking svn.python.org commit access

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Wed May 17 21:57:56 CEST 2006

If you sent a public key to Steve, then unless you've heard otherwise ;-)
your key has been added to svn.python.org.  Check for your name here:


If your name isn't there, then I didn't get your key from Steve.

If your name is there, then to verify your key is working do this on Linux:

    ssh pythondev at svn.python.org

Do that exactly; in particular, use "pythondev" as shown, not your own name.

You should see this in response:

( success ( 1 2 ( ANONYMOUS EXTERNAL ) ( edit-pipeline ) ) )

If you don't, there's a problem with your key (possibly on python.org's end,
possibly on yours).

On Windows do the same, except use "plink" instead of "ssh".

Note that all the above is also covered in the Python-Dev FAQ:


I'm not sure what to do if there _are_ problems, so I'll just assume there
won't be any :-)

If there are no problems, you may wish to get read-write checkouts of the
python.org projects you expect to work on (see the FAQ above).

If you've handed in a contributor form, it's also fine if you'd like to
experiment in the "sandbox" part of the repository.  If you create a new
play project there, please "svn remove" it when you're done playing with it.

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